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Rootstock Hardhat Starterkit Configuration

  • Typechain plugin enabled (typescript type bindings for smart contracts)
  • hardhat-deploy plugin enabled
  • Testing environment configured and operational, with test coverage
  • Prettier and eslint configured for project files and solidity smart contract
  • Solhint configured for enforcing best practices
  • Prepared Smart Contract Examples, Tests, Deployments and Tasks for Common ERC Standards (ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155)

Check the Hardhat documentation for more information.

Project Structure

├── contracts
│   ├── ERC1155.sol 
│   ├── ERC20.sol
│   └── ERC721.sol
├── deploy
│   ├── DeployERC1155.ts
│   ├── DeployERC20.ts
│   └── DeployERC721.ts
├── deployments
├── hardhat.config.ts
├── tasks
│   ├── erc1155
│   ├── erc20
│   ├── erc721
│   └── utils
└── test
    ├── BasicERC1155.ts
    ├── BasicERC20.ts
    └── BasicERC721.ts

Supported Networks

  • Hardhat Network (localhost)
  • Rootstock Mainnet
  • Rootstock Testnet

Hardhat Shorthand

We recommend installing hh autocomplete so you can use hh shorthand globally.

npm i -g hardhat-shorthand

Common Shorthand Commands

  • hh compile - to compile smart contract and generate typechain ts bindings
  • hh test - to run tests
  • hh deploy - to deploy to local network (see options for more)
  • hh node - to run a localhost node
  • hh help - to see all available commands
  • hh TABTAB - to use autocomplete



1. Install Dependencies

npm install

2. Compile Contracts

npm run compile

3. Environment Setup

To set up your environment, follow these steps:

  1. Create a .env file and add your environment variables. You can use .env.example as a template.

Ensure you include the following variables:

  • PRIVATE_KEY: Your private key (e.g., found in account details on Metamask).
  1. Obtain RPC URLs for the testnet and mainnet:

These URLs will be used to configure your .env file for accessing the RSK network.

Example Flow - Deploy ERC721 Token

This is an example flow to deploy an ERC721 token to a public network and interact with it.

1. Deploy BasicERC721 Contract

hh deploy --network rskTestnet --tags 721

3. Interact With Contract - Mint

hh erc721-mint \
 --contract  <ContractAddress>\
 --recipient  <RecipientAddress>\
 --network rskTestnet


npx hardhat verify --network rskTestnet DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Constructor argument 1"


Run Tests

npm run test

Run Coverage

npm run coverage

Project Hygiene

Prettier - Non Solidity Files

npm run format:check
npm run format:write

Lint - Non Solidity Files

npm run lint:check
npm run lint:fix

Prettier - Solidity

npm run sol:format:check
npm run sol:format:write

Solhint - Enforcing styles and security best practices

npm run solhint


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