A lightweight & versatile text editor. Extended version of the text editor kilo.
Built upon antirez's kilo, following a step-by-step guide by snaptoken.
The decision to complete a step-by-step guide rather than just fork the kilo repository was made so I could learn about the development process of a low-level text editor. "Flit" differs to kilo (as at the end of the guide) through added features such as:
- Line numbers
- Selection
- Copy & Paste
I have wanted to experiment with releasing my own Debian package for a while, and as I genuinely use Flit day-to-day I figured I'd make a package for the program and release it to learn about the publishing & maintenance workflows.
Feel free to fork the repository and use it how you wish. Please respect the original license and I highly encourage you to view the tutorial linked above. I have learnt a great deal from it.
If you'd like to contribute new features / improvements to flit, open a pull request and I'll likely merge it in.
Read the license here: LICENSE