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Feat (docker): add docker aliases (sorin-ionescu#1147)
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Thanks to @malikoth and @saoula for their input.
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akarzim authored and josh-h committed Dec 17, 2018
1 parent ee7c1f5 commit 3d714ac
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190 changes: 190 additions & 0 deletions modules/docker/
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# ZSH Docker Aliases

Defines [Docker][1] aliases and functions.

## Aliases

### Docker

- `dk` is short for `docker`
- `dka` Attach to a running container
- `dkb` Build an image from a Dockerfile
- `dkd` Inspect changes on a container's filesystem
- `dkdf` Show docker filesystem usage
- `dke` Run a command in a running container
- `dkE` Run an interactive command in a running container
- `dkh` Show the history of an image
- `dki` List images
- `dkin` Return low-level information on a container, image or task
- `dkk` Kill a running container
- `dkl` Fetch the logs of a container
- `dkli` Log in to a Docker registry
- `dklo` Log out from a Docker registry
- `dkls` is alias for `dkps`
- `dkp` Pause all processes within one or more containers<Paste>
- `dkP` Unpause all processes within one or more containers
- `dkpl` Pull an image or a repository from a registry
- `dkph` Push an image or a repository to a registry
- `dkps` List containers
- `dkpsa` List all containers (default lists just running)
- `dkr` Run a command in a new container
- `dkR` Run an interactive command in a new container and automatically remove the container when it exits
- `dkRe` like `dkR` and set entry point to `/bin/bash`
- `dkrm` Remove one or more containers
- `dkrmi` Remove one or more images
- `dkrmC` Clean up exited containers
- `dkrmI` Clean up dangling images
- `dkrmV` Clean up unused volumes ( Docker >= 1.9 )
- `dkrn` Rename a container
- `dks` Start one or more stopped containers
- `dkS` Restart a container
- `dkss` Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
- `dksv` Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)
- `dkt` Tag an image into a repository
- `dktop` Display the running processes of a container
- `dkup` Update configuration of one or more containers
- `dkV` Manage Docker volumes
- `dkv` Show the Docker version information
- `dkw` Block until a container stops, then print its exit code<Paste>
- `dkx` Stop a running container

#### container (C)

- `dkC` Manage containers
- `dkCa` Attach to a running container
- `dkCcp` Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem
- `dkCd` Inspect changes on a container's filesystem
- `dkCe` Run a command in a running container
- `dkCin` Display detailed information on one or more containers
- `dkCk` Kill one or more running containers
- `dkCl` Fetch the logs of a container
- `dkCls` List containers
- `dkCp` Pause all processes within one or more containers
- `dkCpr` Remove all stopped containers
- `dkCrn` Rename a container
- `dkCS` Restart one or more containers
- `dkCrm` Remove one or more containers
- `dkCr` Run a command in a new container
- `dkCR` Run an interactive command in a new container and automatically remove the container when it exits
- `dkCRe` like `dkCR` and set entry point to `/bin/bash`
- `dkCs` Start one or more stopped containers
- `dkCss` Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
- `dkCx` Stop one or more running containers
- `dkCtop` Display the running processes of a container
- `dkCP` Unpause all processes within one or more containers
- `dkCup` Update configuration of one or more containers
- `dkCw` Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes

#### image (I)

- `dkI` Manage images
- `dkIb` Build an image from a Dockerfile
- `dkIh` Show the history of an image
- `dkIim` Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image
- `dkIin` Display detailed information on one or more images
- `dkIls` List images
- `dkIpr` Remove unused images
- `dkIpl` Pull an image or a repository from a registry
- `dkIph` Push an image or a repository to a registry
- `dkIrm` Remove one or more images
- `dkIsv` Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)
- `dkIt` Tag an image into a repository

#### volume (V)

- `dkV` Manage volumes
- `dkVin` Display detailed information on one or more volumes
- `dkVls` List volumes
- `dkVpr` Remove all unused volumes
- `dkVrm` Remove one or more volumes

#### network (N)

- `dkN` Manage networks
- `dkNs` Connect a container to a network
- `dkNx` Disconnects a container from a network
- `dkNin` Displays detailed information on a network
- `dkNls` Lists all the networks created by the user
- `dkNpr` Remove all unused networks
- `dkNrm` Deletes one or more networks

#### system (Y)

- `dkY` Manage Docker
- `dkYdf` Show docker filesystem usage
- `dkYpr` Remove unused data

#### stack (K)

- `dkK` Manage Docker stacks
- `dkKls` List stacks
- `dkKps` List the tasks in the stack
- `dkKrm` Remove the stack

#### swarm (W)

- `dkW` Manage Docker Swarm

### Docker Machine

- `dkm` is short for `docker-machine`
- `dkma` Get or set the active machine
- `dkmcp` Copy files between machines
- `dkmd` Set up the default machine ; alowing you to use `dkme` without arguments
- `dkme` Set up the environment for the Docker client (eg: `dkme staging` to toggle to staging)
- `dkmin` Inspect information about a machine
- `dkmip` Get the IP address of a machine
- `dkmk` Kill a machine
- `dkmls` List machines
- `dkmpr` Re-provision existing machines
- `dkmps` is alias for `dkmls`
- `dkmrg` Regenerate TLS Certificates for a machine
- `dkmrm` Remove a machine
- `dkms` Start a machine
- `dkmsh` Log into or run a command on a machine with SSH
- `dkmst` Get the status of a machine
- `dkmS` Restart a machine
- `dkmu` Get the URL of a machine
- `dkmup` Upgrade a machine to the latest version of Docker
- `dkmV` Show the Docker Machine version or a machine docker version
- `dkmx` Stop a machine

### Docker Compose

- `dkc` is short for `docker-compose`
- `dkcb` Build or rebuild services
- `dkcB` Build or rebuild services and do not use cache when building the image
- `dkcd` Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes
- `dkce` Execute a command in a running container
- `dkck` Kill containers
- `dkcl` View output from containers
- `dkcls` is alias for `dkcps`
- `dkcp` Pause services
- `dkcP` Unpause services
- `dkcpl` Pull service images
- `dkcph` Push service images
- `dkcps` List containers
- `dkcr` Run a one-off command
- `dkcR` Run a one-off command and remove container after run.
- `dkcrm` Remove stopped containers
- `dkcs` Start services
- `dkcsc` Set number of containers for a service
- `dkcS` Restart services
- `dkcu` Create and start containers
- `dkcU` Create and start containers in detached mode:
Run containers in the background, print new container names
- `dkcV` Show the Docker-Compose version information
- `dkcx` Stop services

## Support

If you're having problems, use the [Prezto issue tracker][2].

## Acknowledgements

This module is a copy of [akarzim/zsh-docker-aliases][3] by [François Vantomme][4] (MIT License).

177 changes: 177 additions & 0 deletions modules/docker/alias.zsh
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# Defines Docker aliases.
# Author:
# François Vantomme <>

# Aliases

# Docker
alias dk='docker'
alias dka='docker attach'
alias dkb='docker build'
alias dkd='docker diff'
alias dkdf='docker system df'
alias dke='docker exec'
alias dkE='docker exec -it'
alias dkh='docker history'
alias dki='docker images'
alias dkin='docker inspect'
alias dkim='docker import'
alias dkk='docker kill'
alias dkl='docker logs'
alias dkli='docker login'
alias dklo='docker logout'
alias dkls='docker ps'
alias dkp='docker pause'
alias dkP='docker unpause'
alias dkpl='docker pull'
alias dkph='docker push'
alias dkps='docker ps'
alias dkpsa='docker ps -a'
alias dkr='docker run'
alias dkR='docker run -it --rm'
alias dkRe='docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash'
alias dkRM='docker system prune'
alias dkrm='docker rm'
alias dkrmi='docker rmi'
alias dkrn='docker rename'
alias dks='docker start'
alias dkS='docker restart'
alias dkss='docker stats'
alias dksv='docker save'
alias dkt='docker tag'
alias dktop='docker top'
alias dkup='docker update'
alias dkV='docker volume'
alias dkv='docker version'
alias dkw='docker wait'
alias dkx='docker stop'

## Container (C)
alias dkC='docker container'
alias dkCa='docker container attach'
alias dkCcp='docker container cp'
alias dkCd='docker container diff'
alias dkCe='docker container exec'
alias dkCin='docker container inspect'
alias dkCk='docker container kill'
alias dkCl='docker container logs'
alias dkCls='docker container ls'
alias dkCp='docker container pause'
alias dkCpr='docker container prune'
alias dkCrn='docker container rename'
alias dkCS='docker container restart'
alias dkCrm='docker container rm'
alias dkCr='docker container run'
alias dkCR='docker container run -it --rm'
alias dkCRe='docker container run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash'
alias dkCs='docker container start'
alias dkCss='docker container stats'
alias dkCx='docker container stop'
alias dkCtop='docker container top'
alias dkCP='docker container unpause'
alias dkCup='docker container update'
alias dkCw='docker container wait'

## Image (I)
alias dkI='docker image'
alias dkIb='docker image build'
alias dkIh='docker image history'
alias dkIim='docker image import'
alias dkIin='docker image inspect'
alias dkIls='docker image ls'
alias dkIpr='docker image prune'
alias dkIpl='docker image pull'
alias dkIph='docker image push'
alias dkIrm='docker image rm'
alias dkIsv='docker image save'
alias dkIt='docker image tag'

## Volume (V)
alias dkV='docker volume'
alias dkVin='docker volume inspect'
alias dkVls='docker volume ls'
alias dkVpr='docker volume prune'
alias dkVrm='docker volume rm'

## Network (N)
alias dkN='docker network'
alias dkNs='docker network connect'
alias dkNx='docker network disconnect'
alias dkNin='docker network inspect'
alias dkNls='docker network ls'
alias dkNpr='docker network prune'
alias dkNrm='docker network rm'

## System (Y)
alias dkY='docker system'
alias dkYdf='docker system df'
alias dkYpr='docker system prune'

## Stack (K)
alias dkK='docker stack'
alias dkKls='docker stack ls'
alias dkKps='docker stack ps'
alias dkKrm='docker stack rm'

## Swarm (W)
alias dkW='docker swarm'

## CleanUp (rm)
# Clean up exited containers (docker < 1.13)
alias dkrmC='docker rm $(docker ps -qaf status=exited)'
# Clean up dangling images (docker < 1.13)
alias dkrmI='docker rmi $(docker images -qf dangling=true)'
# Clean up dangling volumes (docker < 1.13)
alias dkrmV='docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)'

# Docker Machine (m)
alias dkm='docker-machine'
alias dkma='docker-machine active'
alias dkmcp='docker-machine scp'
alias dkmin='docker-machine inspect'
alias dkmip='docker-machine ip'
alias dkmk='docker-machine kill'
alias dkmls='docker-machine ls'
alias dkmpr='docker-machine provision'
alias dkmps='docker-machine ps'
alias dkmrg='docker-machine regenerate-certs'
alias dkmrm='docker-machine rm'
alias dkms='docker-machine start'
alias dkmsh='docker-machine ssh'
alias dkmst='docker-machine status'
alias dkmS='docker-machine restart'
alias dkmu='docker-machine url'
alias dkmup='docker-machine upgrade'
alias dkmv='docker-machine version'
alias dkmx='docker-machine stop'

# Docker Compose (c)
alias dkc='docker-compose'
alias dkcb='docker-compose build'
alias dkcB='docker-compose build --no-cache'
alias dkcd='docker-compose down'
alias dkce='docker-compose exec'
alias dkck='docker-compose kill'
alias dkcl='docker-compose logs'
alias dkcls='docker-compose ps'
alias dkcp='docker-compose pause'
alias dkcP='docker-compose unpause'
alias dkcpl='docker-compose pull'
alias dkcph='docker-compose push'
alias dkcps='docker-compose ps'
alias dkcr='docker-compose run'
alias dkcR='docker-compose run --rm'
alias dkcrm='docker-compose rm'
alias dkcs='docker-compose start'
alias dkcsc='docker-compose scale'
alias dkcS='docker-compose restart'
alias dkcu='docker-compose up'
alias dkcU='docker-compose up -d'
alias dkcv='docker-compose version'
alias dkcx='docker-compose stop'

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