The following project (home page & privacy policy) was created through a HTML and CSS tutorial through Vanderbilt's Full-Stack Web Development coding bootcamp. This home page and it's secondary page serve as a website for a mock fitness training company.
Interacted with the computer's file system by using the command line.
Created an HTML document in VS Code.
Applied meaning, context, and functionality to HTML elements by using HTML attributes.
Interpreted a mock-up given to us by designers by dividing it into sections, or containers, to create organized HTML content.
Used Git to create a repository for the project and create reassuring save points throughout the build process.
Used GitHub to create a remote location for the repository, and then published the project to GitHub Pages for others to see.
Applied style and layout to HTML content by using CSS, syntax, rules, and quirks.
Used the knowledge gained from building the Run Buddy landing page to create a Privacy Policy page.
Visualized layouts as parent/child relationships using wireframing to determine what needs to be done
Created responsive page layouts with flexbox properties & media queries
adjusted layouts so that horizontal space takes precedence
Enhanced visuals of the Run Buddy site with advanced CSS (i.e. Psuedoclass)
Made with ❤️ by Joshua Cross