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Starstrike App Banner

⭐ Starstrike App ⚡

Production GitHub Workflow Status

Development 💻

To begin development on the static site, open ./Site/index.html in your browser and IDE and begin development.

To begin development on the serverless functions, open ./Functions/index.js in your IDE and begin development. You will want to use firebase emulators:start to leverage Firebase Local Emulator Suite for debugging. Be sure that you have sure to have Node.js v16.x.x installed.

Deployment 📦

Automatic: Deploy Site to Firebase Hosting Preview Channel

  1. Create a Pull Request to merge a new feature branch into the Main branch.
  2. Firebase Hosting GitHub Action will build and deploy the new changes to a Preview Channel on Firebase Hosting.

Automatic: Deploy Site to Firebase Hosting Live Channel

  1. After testing the features at the Preview Channel URL, merge the Pull Request into the Main branch.
  2. Firebase Hosting GitHub Action will build and deploy the new changes to the Live Channel on Firebase Hosting.

Manual: Deploy Site to Firebase Hosting Preview Channel


$Date = Get-Date -Format "dddd-MM-dd-yyyy-HH-mm-ss"
$Channel = "Preview-" + $Date
firebase hosting:channel:deploy $Channel --expires 7d --project starstruck-github-app-bee1b


Date=$(date +'%A-%m-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S')
firebase hosting:channel:deploy $Channel --expires 7d --project starstruck-github-app-bee1b

Manual: Deploy Site to Firebase Hosting Live Channel

Windows / Linx

firebase deploy --only hosting --project starstruck-github-app-bee1b

Automatic: Deploy App to Firebase Functions

Not yet implemented.

  1. Create a Pull Request to merge a new feature branch into the Main branch.
  2. Merge the Pull Request into the Main branch.
  3. GitHub Actions will build and deploy the new changes to Firebase Functions.

Manual: Deploy App to Firebase Functions

Windows / Linx

firebase deploy --only functions --project starstruck-github-app-bee1b

This static site was created using the "One Page Portfolio Website Template" from Designmodo.