Josh Tynjala is a frontend software developer, open source contributor, and karaoke enthusiast.
Since 2012, Josh has developed Feathers UI, a Kickstarter-funded cross-platform UI component framework for creative projects — written in Haxe. You can contribute a monthly donation to Josh's work on Github Sponsors.
In 2022, Josh was invited to join the leadership team of OpenFL, in recognition of his contributions to the project. OpenFL is an implementation of the APIs in Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR, using the Haxe programming language. OpenFL projects can target the web with JavaScript and WebGL/Canvas; native C++ on iOS and Android mobile devices; and native C++ on Windows, macOS, and Linux desktop computers (or with VMs such as Adobe AIR, Electron, and HashLink).
Josh also maintains the ActionScript & MXML and SWF Debugger extensions for Visual Studio Code.