Exploration of Vert.x framework and reactive programming in general
This is a simple wiki app based on https://vertx.io/preview/docs/guide-for-java-devs/ (followed until "Reactive programming with RxJava" section)
To run it,
- run mvn clean install
- in target folder, run java -jar webapp-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar
- access it via https://localhost:8080 (users are listed in src/main/resources/wiki-users.properties)
To debug in Eclipse,
- right click on the project -> debug as -> Debug configuration
- on the left menu, select "Java Application", right click -> new
- in Project: select the current project
- in Main Class: io.vertx.core.Launcher
- In Arguments -> Program arguments: run com.vertxexploration.webapp.MainVerticle
- in Arguments -> VM arguments: -Dhsqldb.reconfig_logging=false
- Click Debug and the server will be initialized.
- Now you can put the breakpoint in the code and start debugging