Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree Project 0. A Portfolio of projects for the nano degree.
- Download Android Studio.
- Create a new project in Android Studio using the "Application with blank activity" template.
- Create a layout for your main activity, adding a title, buttons for each app, and a style of your choosing. You can begin working in either the text view or design view (whichever you prefer) within Android Studio's Layout Editor. Note that if you start in the design view, it's often a best practice to return to the text view to make final tweaks as this mode offers the most precision and control over your layout attributes.
- Popular Movies
- Super Duo (2 buttons: Football Scores App and Library App)
- Jokes App
- XYZ Reader
- Sunshine Wear
- Capstone
When designing your layout for the project portfolio, you may enjoy customizing the style and color of your buttons and changing the layout. If you are interested in learning about colors you can use, take a look at the material design color page, from Google.
If you'd like your app to look Udacious, feel free to use #F08C35 to match the orange buttons on our site.
- In the Java source for your main activity, enable your buttons to respond to click or touch events.
- Display a toast within the methods you created in the last step.