note that this is research, there are no guarantees
This is based on work by Jakub Otwinowski and Colin H. LaMont.
using Pkg
using QGA
minimize(f, mu, sd, s)
- f: An objective function which takes a vector as input
- mu: mean of initial distribution (vector)
- sd: standard deviation of initial distribution (vector)
- s: target entropy
Keyword arguments
- Fmintarget: stop when target value of objective reached (default -Inf)
- sdmin: stop when target value of standard deviation of fitness reached (default 0)
- MaxEvals: stop after (number) iterations (default 10000*dim)
- trace: show info every (number) iterations (default Inf)
- n: number of unique variants (default exp2(s+1))
Output is a dictionary with :halt describing reason for stopping. :DupFit means duplicate fitnesses were found and is generally a failure to converge.
dim = 5
fd = 2 .^(1:dim)
fellipse(x) = sum(fd.*x.^2)
minimize(fellipse, zeros(dim), ones(dim), 5.0, sdmin = 0.0, n = 512,
FminTarget = 1e-8, trace = 100*dim)