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Telegram Notifications Channel for Laravel

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This package makes it easy to send Telegram notification using Telegram Bot API with Laravel.



You can install the package via composer:

composer require laravel-notification-channels/telegram

Setting up your Telegram Bot

Talk to @BotFather and generate a Bot API Token.

Then, configure your Telegram Bot API Token:

// config/services.php
'telegram-bot-api' => [

(Optional) Proxy or Bridge Support

You may not be able to send notifications if Telegram Bot API is not accessible in your country, you can either set a proxy by following the instructions here or use a web bridge by setting the base_uri config above with the bridge uri.


You can now use the channel in your via() method inside the Notification class.

Text Notification

use NotificationChannels\Telegram\TelegramChannel;
use NotificationChannels\Telegram\TelegramMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;

class InvoicePaid extends Notification
    public function via($notifiable)
        return [TelegramChannel::class];

    public function toTelegram($notifiable)
        $url = url('/invoice/' . $this->invoice->id);

        return TelegramMessage::create()
            // Optional recipient user id.
            // Markdown supported.
            ->content("Hello there!\nYour invoice has been *PAID*")
            // (Optional) Blade template for the content.
            // ->view('notification', ['url' => $url])
            // (Optional) Inline Buttons
            ->button('View Invoice', $url)
            ->button('Download Invoice', $url);

Here's a screenshot preview of the above notification on Telegram Messenger:

Laravel Telegram Notification Example

Attach a Photo

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramFile::create()
        ->to($notifiable->telegram_user_id) // Optional
        ->content('Awesome *bold* text and [inline URL](')
        ->file('/storage/archive/6029014.jpg', 'photo'); // local photo

        // OR using a helper method with or without a remote file.
        // ->photo('');


Laravel Telegram Photo Notification Example

Attach a Document

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramFile::create()
        ->to($notifiable->telegram_user_id) // Optional
        ->content('Did you know we can set a custom filename too?')
        ->document('', 'sample.pdf');


Laravel Telegram Document Notification Example

Attach a Location

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramLocation::create()


Laravel Telegram Location Notification Example

Attach a Video

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramFile::create()
        ->content('Sample *video* notification!')


Laravel Telegram Video Notification Example

Attach a GIF File

public function toTelegram($notifiable)
    return TelegramFile::create()
        ->content('Woot! We can send animated gif notifications too!')

        // Or local file
        // ->animation('/path/to/some/animated.gif');


Laravel Telegram Gif Notification Example

Routing a Message

You can either send the notification by providing with the chat ID of the recipient to the to($chatId) method like shown in the previous examples or add a routeNotificationForTelegram() method in your notifiable model:

 * Route notifications for the Telegram channel.
 * @return int
public function routeNotificationForTelegram()
    return $this->telegram_user_id;

Handling Response

You can make use of the notification events to handle the response from Telegram. On success, your event listener will recieve a Message object with various fields as appropriate to the notification type.

For a complete list of response fields, please refer the Telegram Bot API's Message object docs.

On-Demand Notifications

Sometimes you may need to send a notification to someone who is not stored as a "user" of your application. Using the Notification::route method, you may specify ad-hoc notification routing information before sending the notification. For more details, you can check out the on-demand notifications docs.

use NotificationChannels\Telegram\TelegramChannel;

Notification::route('telegram', 'TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID')
            ->notify(new InvoicePaid($invoice));

Available Message methods

  • to($chatId): (integer) Recipient's chat id.
  • token($token): (string) Bot token if you wish to override the default token for a specific notification (optional).
  • content(''): (string) Notification message, supports markdown. For more information on supported markdown styles, check out these docs.
  • view($view, $data = [], $mergeData = []): (string) Blade template name with Telegram supported HTML or Markdown syntax content if you wish to use a view file instead of the content() method.
  • button($text, $url): (string) Adds an inline "Call to Action" button. You can add as many as you want, and they'll be placed 2 in a row.
  • disableNotification($disableNotification = true): (bool) Send the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
  • options([]): (array) Allows you to add additional or override sendMessage payload (A Telegram Bot API method used to send message internally). For more information on supported parameters, check out these docs.

Available Location methods

  • to($chatId): (integer) Recipient's chat id.
  • token($token): (string) Bot token if you wish to override the default token for a specific notification (optional).
  • latitude($latitude): (float|string) Latitude of the location.
  • longitude($longitude): (float|string) Longitude of the location.
  • button($text, $url): (string) Adds an inline "Call to Action" button. You can add as many as you want, and they'll be placed 2 in a row.
  • disableNotification($disableNotification = true): (bool) Send the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
  • options([]): (array) Allows you to add additional or override the payload.

Available File methods

  • to($chatId): (integer) Recipient's chat id.
  • token($token): (string) Bot token if you wish to override the default token for a specific notification (optional).
  • content(''): (string) File caption, supports markdown. For more information on supported markdown styles, check out these docs.
  • view($view, $data = [], $mergeData = []): (string) Blade template name with Telegram supported HTML or Markdown syntax content if you wish to use a view file instead of the content() method.
  • file($file, $type, $filename = null): Local file path or remote URL, $type of the file (Ex:photo, audio, document, video, animation, voice, video_note_) and optionally filename with extension. Ex: sample.pdf. You can use helper methods instead of using this to make it easier to work with file attachment.
  • photo($file): Helper method to attach a photo.
  • audio($file): Helper method to attach an audio file (MP3 file).
  • document($file, $filename = null): Helper method to attach a document or any file as document.
  • video($file): Helper method to attach a video file.
  • animation($file): Helper method to attach an animated gif file.
  • voice($file): Helper method to attach a voice note (.ogg file with OPUS encoded).
  • videoNote($file): Helper method to attach a video note file (Upto 1 min long, rounded square video).
  • button($text, $url): (string) Adds an inline "Call to Action" button. You can add as many as you want, and they'll be placed 2 in a row.
  • disableNotification($disableNotification = true): (bool) Send the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
  • options([]): (array) Allows you to add additional or override the payload.


For advance usage, please consider using telegram-bot-sdk instead.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


✈️ Telegram Notifications Channel for Laravel







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