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### installation with GIT
# 1) make sure you have set-up the CMSSW environment
cmsrel CMSSW_5_3_3 # or newer from 53x family
cd CMSSW_5_3_3/src/

# 2) checkout and compile analysis code 
git clone .
cd SFrame/
cd ../ZHtautauAnalysis/
cd ..

# 3) compile FWlite code for di-tau mass reco
cd TauAnalysis/CandidateTools/
emacs -nw bin/ 
scram b -j 9
cd ../../
cmsenv # important to do after every recompillation

# 4) checkout lumi calc code
cvs co  -r V04-02-08 RecoLuminosity/LumiDB
cd RecoLuminosity/LumiDB/
scram b -j 9
cd ../../

########################## Running at CONDOR
#All scripts are located in ZHtautauAnalysis/CONDOR dir

# 1) Preparing submission commands
# A) Single sample
# Use
# script that takes 5 parameters: input directory, output name number
# of input files per job, job configuration XML file, name of folder
# where results would be stored. EG:
source \
/storage/data/cms/store/user/jez/DoubleElectron_Run2012C/ \
DoubleElectron2012C 50 Analysis_config_T2.xml results 

# B1) Multiple samples in the same directory
# Use script that takes 6 parameters:
# directory in which directories with input are, name of output,
# list of names of directories with input in a text file, number of
# files per job, job configuration XML file, name of folder where
# results would be stored eg: 
source \
 /storage/data/cms/store/user/jez/ZHttNtuples_v2/53X/Data/ 2012 \
 2012.list 50 Analysis_config_T2.xml results

# B2) Script above creates a .sh file finishing with
#  that can be used to change some parameters (config, files per job)
# for some of the jobs in case one does not want all jobs to run with
# the same configuration. Afterwards, execute the * script

# 2) Submit with condor_submit and the cmd file created by script
#     above or execute * script created during preparation
# of submission of multiple samples to submit on all samples at once 

# 3) Control the output by executing * script created in
#     submission process and having the chosen output name. It also
#     checks failed jobs and prepares resubmission. Follow instructions
#     on the screen

# 4) Enjoy results stored in the directory you specified in submission

############################### Running locally
#  Local running is also possible, but not all features are
#  available on computers without CMSSW, e.g. full mass reconstruction
#  or lumi calculation. To run locally do  RUN! (change input file defined in Analysis_config.xml appropriatelly)

cd ZHtautauAnalysis/config
sframe-main  Analysis_config.xml 

# The code executed by this command is stored in src/Analysis.cxx file
#  and steered via the xml file that is the first parameter of
#  sframe-main program

########### misc (see for more help)
## adress of a git repository

## Obtaining Kerberos ticket from CERN for 24h password-less access to CERN
# use setup described e.g. here:
kinit <AFSuserName>@CERN.CH

##making a lightweight tag 
git tag v1.4

### making an annotated tag (recommended) 
git tag -a v1.4 -m "making tag v1.4" 

## switching to a new tag or branch
git checkout v1.4

## create new branch
git branch myNewBranch

## switch to branch
git checkout myNewBranch

## pushing to a server
git push

## review status of work directory
git status

## adding remote repository (on top of origin that is defined automatically if you use clone as above)

git remote add <MyRepositoryNickname> <MyRepositoryURL> # e.g. git remote add pb git://

## check what is new in the repository (pushes by other users)
git fetch # it is possible to specify repository nickname as a first argument. This command will not do anything with your local repository, only inform about changes in the remote

## update your local repository and merge with remote
git pull # if merging is not possible due to conflicts, git will inform you

## inspecting a remote
git remote show origin
## Running at ULB cluster 
ssh # connect without password
source $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/ # basic cms environment
cmsrel CMSSW_5_3_3_patch3 #prepare the CMSSW area
# Standard stuff
cd CMSSW_5_3_3_patch3/src/

# checkout and compile SFRAME and analysis as above

# make grid proxy (.globus with certificate necesssary at home dir)
voms-proxy-init --voms cms:/cms/becms

# define input in Analysis_config.xml - If the location is e.g. /pnfs/iihe/cms/store/user/jez/ZHTo2TauAna_52x_test0/output_Ntuples_10_1_rCX.root, the input file tag should read
# <In FileName="dcap://"  Lumi="1.0" />

# RUN! 
cd config
sframe-main  Analysis_config.xml


Code for tau analysis at UCL







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