Quick and dirty plotting of Earth/Sun elevation vs. time for LEDGES
- numpy
- matplotlib
- astroquery
From the main repository directory, run: source ./setup_env.sh
Then to run the Earth, Sun elevation calculation and make the associated plots run: ./EarthSunElevation.py <options>
The options are given by ./EarthSunElevation.py -h and are as follows:
required arguments:
- -s START_DATE, --start-date START_DATE
- start date of time period of interest in YYYY-MM-DD format
- -e END_DATE, --end-date END_DATE
- end date of time period of interest in YYYY-MM-DD format
optional arguments:
- -b BATTERY_DAYS, --battery-days BATTERY_DAYS
- time period (days) that batteries will support observing operations, default 9999 (no limit)
- output directory, default is ./
- sampling period in days, default is 1
- -d DB_HORIZON, --dB-horizon DB_HORIZON
- the required noise suppression by moon-earth geometry, default -45 (dB)
- -a DB_ANTENNA, --dB-antenna DB_ANTENNA
- the required noise suppression by antenna orientation, default -25 (dBi)
- json file containing site location and elevation data
Additional sites can be checked by creating a new json location file with the same format as artemis3_locations.json. Each site must be specified as a list entry containing: [name, lat, lon, and elevation], with coordinates in decimal degrees and elevation in meters.