Financial App is an app developed to help you control your expenses!.
On your first access you will create your account. From there you will visit your profile and see 3 links:
All my expenses. Here you can see all your categorized expenses and have a button to add new expenses. You can also click on the expense and go to that expense page where you can.
- Edit this expense.
- Delete this expenses.
- Add a category to this expense.
- Remove a category from this expense. Obs.: All newly added expenses don't have a category.
All my external expenses. Here you can see all your uncategorized expenses and have a button to add new expenses. You can also click on the expense and go to that expense page where you can.
- Edit this expense.
- Delete this expenses.
- Add a category to this expense.
- Remove a category from this expense. Obs.: All newly added expenses don't have a category.
All categories. Here you can see all your categories and have a button to add new categories. You can also click on the category and go to that category page where you can.
- Edit this category.
- Delete this category. Obs.: The icon has to be added as an URL to an image.
- Ruby 2.7.2
- Rails
- Styled with:
- Bootstrap 5.0
- Authentication with:
- Devise
- Tested with:
- Rspec
- Capybara
- shoulda-matchers
- factory-bot
- Database with:
- PostgreSQL 13
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Ruby 2.7.2
- Rails
- Yarn
- PostgreSQL
- On the top of this repo click on the button named "Clone"
- Copy the HTTP URL or SSH.
- On the terminal type
git clone <copied-value>
where is the value you copied on the previous step. - On the terminal
to the folder you cloned.
- Open the file 'database.yml' on the folder 'config'
- On development: and on test: change the values of username: and password: to the username and password of your local postgres server.
- On the terminal type
rails db:create
. - On the terminal type
rails db:migrate
- On the terminal type
rails s
- On the browser type
- On the terminal
to the folder you just cloned. - On the terminal type
👤 João Paulo Dias França
- GitHub: @jpdf00
- Twitter: @jpdf00
- LinkedIn: João Paulo Dias França
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Design idea by Gregoire Vella on Behance
This project is MIT licensed.