Server for the T-10 (T minus ten) #spaceapps 2013 project:
App code at
Project by Kate Arkless Gray (@SpaceKate), João Neves (@jpgneves), Ketan Majmudar (@ketan) and Dario Lofish (@dariolofish).
Follow us on @TeeMinus10, and visit us at
Weather data provided by:
ISS location data provided by: and Celestrak (
Timezone information provided through (
Powered by Python, with support of the following (awesome) libraries provided by the OSS community:
PyEphem ( for computation of ISS passes, times, and sunset/sunrise for a given location.
Flask ( for providing the web application, together with Flask-RESTful ( to provide a RESTful API.
Requests ( for client-side interfacing with other web services.
Set up a Python virtualenv and then run the following from the t-10_server directory:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python ./
You can configure options (hostname, port) by editing the teeminus10.config file.