- SFB 109 (Funding A03)
- OpenDream Kit (Funding programmers and workshops)
- Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (USA) (Funding workshops)
- Mathematiches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Funding Research in Pairs)
They support research in polyhedral geometry and optimization by helping to build bridges between a variety of specialized mathematical computer softwares.
November 2016 (Hebrew University Jerusalem)
February 2017 (Olot, Spain)
Developers of Sage, Latte and Polymake gathered to develop an interface to Polymake in Sage.
Key aspect: A transdisciplinary team (dynamical systems, algebraic number theory, optimization, discrete geometry, physics, symbolic dynamics, homology theory.
- Vincent Delecroix (LaBRI - Bordeaux)
- Marc Masdeu (U. Warwick)
- Jean-Philippe Labbé (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Matthias Köppe (UC Davis)
- Moritz Firsching (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Julian Pfeifle (U. Politècnica de Catalunya)
- Marcelo Forets (VERIMAG - U. Grenoble)
- Aurel Page (U. Warwick)
- Andreas Paffenholz (Technische U. Darmstadt)
- Vincent Klein (Bordeaux)
- Thierry Monteil (CNRS, Univ. Paris North)
- Simon King (FSU Jena)
August 2017 and March 2018 (IMA, Minneapolis, USA)
Key aspect: toward a (fast!) algebraic polytopes using Normaliz, SCIP backend to MILP, Polymake
June 2018 (Barranquilla, Colombia)
Learn about polyhedral geometry using Sage, following a course given by Günter M. Ziegler (A03).
- More interface of normaliz and polymake in sage
- release of fast qnormaliz/e-antic computations inside sage
- Improvement of the internals
Here is a short presentation about Sage
Let's see a first step worksheet (thanks to Adrien Boussicault):
Let's play around with polytopes (thanks to Moritz Firsching):
A polytope tutorial:
This tutorial is available as an online tutorial.
There are other tutorials available here