An android library which use OpenCV Wechat-QRCode to decode qrcode
you must use 7z to unzip wechat-scan\libs\wechat-scan-libs.7z to wechat-scan\libs.
wechat-scan-libs.7z contains static libraries which are compiled from opecv and opecv_contrib
We support decode qrcode from the camera preview and image files.
The ScanQRCodeView which extends CameraPreviewView support to decode qrcode from the camera preview. The CameraPreviewView support preview、take pictures and other camera operations.
You can extends ScanQRCodeView or even CameraPreviewView to support the features you want.
The ScanDecodeQueue implement the core process of decode qrcode from the camera preview (It only support YUV_420_888 preview format).
The FileDecodeQueue implement the process of decode image files or RGB Bitmap.
That is all !