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Machine Learning: Music Genre/Band Identification - Spectrogram Creation & Analysis. Comparison between Naive Bayes, Linear Discriminant Analysis, and Classification/Regression Trees


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Music Genre Identification: Spectrogram Creation, Analysis and Classification

by J. Barhydt1

University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 98195


Machine learning techniques have become increasingly popular in data science throughout many fields, in both academia and industry. These 'pattern-recognition' methods allow for discrimination and classification of complex, disparate data types, with applications in economic modeling, speech recognition, n-body quantum system reconstruction, and more. This paper demonstrates a 'toy-model' for music band/genre classification using three machine learning methods, comparing performance of each. Herein I will compare Naive Bayes, Linear Discriminant Analysis, and Classification & Regression Trees.

1- This code uses SGRAM, LDA_Train, and musicclip: find in root dir

Introduction and Overview


Music classification is a task that humans can do quite naturally. After acquiring a large enough 'training set' of bands, we are able to discriminate between different bands and genres. The more music we hear, the larger our training sets become, and the more able we are to discriminate between sub-genres and niches musically, even when given unknown new music, or 'test sets.' In order to discriminate between types of music computationally, firstly a collection was assembled of three musical genres, with three bands in each genre and sixteen songs per band. Furthermore, from each song was taken three random 5-second audio clips, for a total of 432 audio clips. A spectrogram, or windowed Fourier transform, was constructed from each of the audio clips, representing each in the frequency-time domain. These spectrograms collectively formed the basis for the analysis and classification methods performed. As such, three different classification tasks were executed on the data, using three unique discrimination schemes. This program and method could easily be extended to larger music collections, though disk storage and memory space can be limiting factors, depending on the sampling rate and spectrogram resolution, etc.

Theoretical Background


Though many are familiar with amplitude-time representations of audio, few could discriminate between two clips, or categorize genre/band/song from the audio waveform alone. Shown in Figure 1 are two such clips. Granted, the metal clip is clearly noisy but anyone would be hard pressed to tell much more than that. Composers and performers of music are much more familiar with frequency-time representations, such as spectrograms. Figure 2 shows a spectrogram of the intro to Beethoven's Fur Elise. Anyone with significant experience reading score would recognize the similarity between the spectrogram and sheet music, and with the proper conversion, could perform the piece from this type of image. For those without experience reading sheet music, imagine instead a spectrogram as being similar to an unrolled music box.

In this paper's analysis, it is the spectrograms which are used, instead of the raw audio files. To generate the spectrograms, Fourier transforms were applied. A Fourier transform projects the audio from amplitude-time space onto the frequency domain, where it's decomposed into a linear combination of frequencies. As this process eliminates time information, 'windowing' is implemented. A simple windowing scheme would 'chop' the audio into

Figure 1. 5-second Raw Audio Clip of a Metal Band (above) and Beethoven (below).

**Figure 2. 5-second Frequency-Time Spectrum of intro to Beethoven's Fur Elise. **

(notice the iconic 5-note left-hand arpeggio at the beginning)

smaller clips, from which the Fourier transform can be executed on each clip individually. In this paper, a slightly more sophisticated windowing scheme is used, in which the window is not a hard boundary, but rather a smooth, gaussian spread. The function weighs more heavily the audio in the center of the gaussian, thus the function 'picks out' a small zone with a short time interval from which to Fourier transform. This process is referred to as a Gabor transform, which is a subtype of short-time Fourier transforms. A visualization of this process is shown in Figure 3.

Spectrograms are helpful in that they can contain both frequency and time information simultaneously, though they suffer the same fate as quantum mechanics vis-a-vis the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. In other words, the better you resolve the audio in the frequency domain, the less able you are to resolve in time, and vice-versa.

Figure 3. Gabor transform: The raw audio is shown (above) with the Gaussian function overlayed. Each snapshot in time -- from blue to red, etc-- would produce a new, mostly attenuated audio signal (middle) which is subsequently Fourier Transformed (below) to retain the dominant high frequency components at that time.

Figure 4. Four Most Dominant Modes of 5 Clips from each Genre.

(notice that mode 2 is quite unique for each genre)

The spectrograms formed the basis for three discrimination techniques. Figure 4 gives an underlying idea about how the spectrogram sets contain such information; In the figure is shown the projections of all three band spectrograms sets onto the SVD basis of the entire collection; in a sense, each clip has its own 'fingerprint' and there are fingerprint trends that all classical songs have. For instance, the second mode is almost always around 0.1, which gives you an idea of how classification could take place.

Ultimately, from each set, 5/8ths of the collected spectrograms were used as training sets, leaving 3/8ths for testing. The training and test sets were chosen at random for each permutation of the discrimination techniques, to ensure cross-validation and provide statistics of results. The three supervised discrimination/classification methods -- along with a control method -- were as follows:

Method 0: Control Group

For comparison, the control set simply made a random 'guess' of the answer. Given that three answers were possible, ⅓ probability is expected. As an aside: this method is clearly unsupervised, since it doesn't do anything but guess numbers.

Method 1: Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)

Given two classes of data, the intention of LDA is to find a basis with the largest separation of class means, while minimizing inner-class variances. As such, two covariance matrices represent these two subjections. The variance from within a class -- i.e. the elements from which to form a diagonal basis -- is given by Equation 1, where x represents the collection of measurements for each item within a class, while μ is the mean across all samples of that group. The squared sum of these variances is given by Sw. Subscripts denote each class.


Furthermore, the cross variances, Sb , are given by Equation 2. Ultimately, therefore the necessity to maximize cross variance, maintaining the inner variances, becomes an optimization problem, which is shown in Equation 3. In this implementation of the LDA scheme, the optimization is achieved through solving the eigenvalue problem, given by Equation 4. Thusly, a basis is constructed to separate the two classes. A decision tree can perform this process several times for higher class orders, if necessary. Ultimately, the test sets are projected onto ω, as represented in Figure 5 and a weighted-mean discriminant value provides a threshold for decisions.


maximize s.t. (3)


Figure 6 further illustrates how the LDA projection is used for classification, and how it looks with real data. The weighted center of the projected sets determines the threshold, or decision line.

Figure 5. Linear Discriminant Projection Cartoon (Kutz 442)

(note that given the projection angle, data clusters can become mixed or separated)

Figure 6. Linear Discriminant Actualization, with Threshold Line

Method 2: Naive Bayes Classification (NB)

By assuming statistical independence between two data sets, the Naive Bayes predictor assigns its classification based on the weighted probability of its measurement, using gaussian variable distribution. From the training set, this method forms a normal probability distribution around an supervised (i.e. n-class solution known a-priori) set of clusters. The methodology behind this classification scheme is also the underpinnings of Statistical Mechanics systems.

For example, say there were two possible classes, or measurement outcomes, C1 and C2. Via Bayes' theorem, we could calculate the probability that some new data X belongs to C1 from Equation 5. the values in the denominator are not known ahead of time, so instead of solving for C1, we will consider the ratio of probabilities. Given that the two systems are independent, the denominators will cancel, leaving Equation 6, which is easily solvable. For ease, if you are unfamiliar with the notation, P(C1|X) is read as "the probability to be in state C1 given some state X, which is precisely what we are interested in. Also, if C1 and C2 are the same size, the P(C1) and P(C2) terms will cancel.



Figure 7. Classification Tree Visualization

(notice that only 4 values are needed for classification: x1,x2,x4 and x5)

Method 3: Classification & Regression Tree (CART)

Quite simply, a classification tree is a series of logical tests, which fit the training set to known values. For instance, if I were to make a quick classification tree based on Figure 6, I'd likely start by asking "Is mode 2 positive?" If the answer is yes, I'd call it Classical. Otherwise, I'd check some other variable. In many ways, this is similar to the LDA threshold test, although with classification trees, the process has many branch points. This type of process creates a very accurate, albeit extremely overfit prediction model. Figure 7 shows a classification tree visualization from the spectrogram data. Each branching point represents another logical yes-or-no decision. It's like a choose-your-own adventure book that hunts for music. This particular trial was between three similar metal bands. As such, it's incredibly impressive that the tree can often determine if a test band is #3 with a single number! (see: topmost decision node)

Algorithm Implementation and Development


The file hierarchy sets up the solution sets to the training and test group, and is scanned to build file path names and lists for each genre, band, and song. Once these lists are built, the sgram program is run on each song. Each instance of sgram takes in a single song name and imports the song itself, choosing a random 5-second song clip. Since some songs start and end with silence, the first 10 and last 30 seconds of the song are not chosen. The program then uses the sample length and framerate to downsample the clip, to reduce file size. A linear time-base and frequency-base is built so that each spectrogram 'lives' on a time-frequency grid. For the frequency base, the points (in wavenumber basis) are given 2π/L separation, since the Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) assumes a 2π periodic signal, and L is the domain of frequencies. The frequency basis is shifted, so that 0 Hz is centered. At each time location, the Gaussian Gabor-function is multiplied by the signal and FFT is performed, projecting from the amplitude-time domain to amplitude-frequency space, creating the windowed-FFT at that time snapshot, resulting in the complete spectrogram of that 5-second clip. This process is performed on all songs, and saved for later recall with a GENRE_NAME.mat naming scheme, for classification.

Once the spectrograms are compiled, the analysis methods can be performed. Each analysis follows the same essential structure. First, the requisite data is compiled into a matrix, and an SVD is executed. Since the data is in a known format, projections are extracted, representing the 'fingerprints' of each data class. These fingerprints are scrambled, and separated into training and test sets, and then each set is concatenated. For instance, the fingerprints of the training set are stacked next to one another, forming the full training set. These full sets are run through the classification method (LDA, NB, CART), and then a prediction is made of the class of the stacked test sets. An EQUALS logic gate is applied between the sets, returning 0 for false-guesses. Thus the ratio of the number of non-zeros to the size of the set provides predictor accuracy. This process is repeated hundreds of times. The mean and standard deviation of the results provides cross-validation statistics of the method under scrutiny.

Pre-built MATLAB functions were used for NB and CART methods, while the LDA method used a new function, LDA_train, coupled with a simple decision tree. To perform the two-species LDA, a spectrogram training set for each band was loaded into the function. SVD of the set provided a basis of fundamental modes for the test set to be projected onto later. Following the process described in Section II, the necessary variances were calculated, and covariant matrices were solved with the pre-made MATLAB eigenvalue decomposition function. The eigenvectors were truncated and formed the LDA basis, which was also applied to the test set, after the SVD projection. To find the threshold line, the data sets were sorted in magnitude, and the average of their crossing point determined the threshold line value. Figure 6 also shows qualitatively how this threshold line is achieved. Since a two-state LDA was performed on each set of two bands, each data set is classified thrice through LDA, from which the mode of each prediction is ultimately used. As an aside, upgrading the LDA_train method to handle more than two data sets is not terribly complicated, and a quick internet search of the seminole 'Fisher Iris' dataset shows many ways to achieve this.

Computational Results


Figure 8 shows the accuracy of each method after 500 iterations. All three methods performs surprisingly well, regardless of whether genre or band classification was the goal, as their accuracy error bars overlap. The LDA and NB methods each predict to within mid 80% accuracy, with slightly less variation than random guess. The regression tree predictor however performs the best in both accuracy and variation, in that it maintains half the standard deviation of the other two methods. This means that any given run of the CART method will give consistent, reliable results.

Summary and Conclusions


Understanding music is a topic that is quintessentially human. At its core however is some for of pattern recognition. These machine-learning algorithms attempt to tease-out those patterns in order to make classification predictions. The learning algorithm is limited however by the scope of its training sets. For instance, if I were to classify a funk band as metal, it would contribute to a bias in the metal training set; a funky bias. Thus, future predictions of heavy funk songs could be classified as metal.

Moreover, each spectrogram that was in the set merely had 20 points in time, which would be akin to identifying an image that was 20 pixels wide. Despite this, overall the methods were quite capable of identifying between bands and genres. A larger number of time steps would've created a better baseline, as would simply including more songs by a given band, or more clips from each song. Furthermore, the songs were heavily downsampled (5-10x) such that the audio clips themselves were hardly distinguishable by ear. For instance, try listening to 8-11kHz sample rate audio, it sounds like an old, busted radio. By not downsampling, better frequency resolution could've been achieved Each of these additions however would add to the computational costs, though once the SVD is performed on the spectrograms, the resulting dataset is quite manageable in size.

As such, it would be easily to scale the system to much larger databases and much richer spectrograms. It is hard to say if there would be a loss in fidelity of the predictors, however the within-genre classification still performed equally as well as the outside-genre trials. In other words, the algorithm could just as easily predict whether a band was classical or metal as it could distinguish between two very similar metal bands.

Additionally, determining the Gabor function scaling value has a bit of an art to it. A wider Gabor filter will include lower frequencies, and contain more frequency information, though time resolution suffers, conversely a very narrow Gabor filter will 'pluck out' few frequencies and be highly resolved in time, though only short wavelengths will be 'seen' by the FFT. This issue leads to the use of wavelets, which choose different window sizes for different areas on the spectrogram. Short-time Wavelet Transforms were not used in this study, and could be considered for future implementations.

Figure 8. Classification Performance Comparison w/ Mean & Std. Deviation Scores

(Top Left: Random, Top Right: LDA, Bottom Left: NB, Bottom Right: CART)


(MATLAB Functions Used / Description With Example)


function [spectrogram] = sgram(song_path,down_rate,time_steps, gabor_w)

%This function accepts an audio file path in string format and performs stft

%analysis to create a random 5-second spectrogram matrix representing both

%time and frequency of the signal, using gaussian gabor windowing.

% Arguments:


% song_path: complete file path (if not in default MATLAB directory)

% down_rate: rate of audio downsampling (i.e. only collect one sample per

% 'down_rate' datapoints

% time_steps: number of points in time to run gabor window fft algorithm

% gabor_w: arbitrary scaling value, corresponding to "narrowness" of the

% gabor window (gaussian) function

% default arguments

if nargin < 2

down_rate = 10;


if nargin < 3

time_steps = 20;


if nargin < 4

gabor_w = 1000;


% original read and data gather

[y,Fs] = audioread(song_path);

song_length = size(y,1)/Fs;

% random sample location

sample_start = 30 + rand()*(song_length-10-30);

fin = sample_start + 5 ; %could change smaple length here

L = fin - sample_start;

% determine sample location

samples = [round(sample_start*Fs),round(fin*Fs-1)];

clear y Fs

% only read sample clip

[y,Fs] = audioread(song_path,samples);

%downsample rate




% build timebase

t2=linspace(0,L,n+1); t=t2(1:n);

% build frequency base (2*pi periodic) and center-shift (0 at origin)

k=(2*pi/L)*[0:n/2-1 -n/2:-1]; ks=fftshift(k);

% set gabor window slide location


% initialize spectrogram


for j=1:time_steps

gabor=exp(-gabor_w*(t-tslide(j)).^2); %gabor expresssion at slide loc

Sg=gabor.*audio; windowed_fft=fft(Sg); %Gabor-Signal FFT

spectrogram(j,:)=abs(fftshift(windowed_fft)); %spectrogram (let -k=k)



function [proj,U,w,thresh_line] = LDA_train(band1,band2,num_modes)

%This function was designed to accept two bands' spectrogram sets and

%truncation rank, to perform LDA.

% Arguments:


% band1: vectorized grouping of training set for band#1

% band2: vectorized grouping of training set for band#2

% num_modes: number of LDA features to keep after projection



% Returns:


% proj: projection vector of bands onto LDA basis

% U: truncated (by num_modes) SVD basis modes. Use U'*test to

% create test set SVD projection.

% w: truncated LDA feature space. Use w'*U'*test to project test

% set onto LDA basis for discrimination.

% thresh_line: descriminator value

% default arguments

if nargin < 3

num_modes = 1;


%band bundling




%bands=S*V'; %band features in svd basis

U = U(:,1:num_modes);

band1_group = bands(1:num_modes,1:num_1);

band2_group = bands(1:num_modes,num_1+1:num_1+num_2);


%cross variances


%diagonal 'inner' variances


for i=1:num_1

variance = (band1_group(:,i)-u1);



for i=1:num_2

variance = (band2_group(:,i)-u2);



[V2,D]=eig(s_between,Sw); %LDA

[~,trunc]=max(abs(diag(D))); %feature truncation

w=V2(:,trunc)/norm(V2(:,trunc)); %normal to diagonalized space

% band projections onto LDA

vband1= w'*band1_group; vband2= w'*band2_group;

proj=[vband1, vband2];

% linear sorting by midpoint

if mean(vband1)>mean(vband2)






while band1_dec(t1)>band2_dec(t2)

t1=t1-1; %dec t1

t2=t2+1; %inc t2





function [y,Fs] = musicclip(song_path,clip_length,r)

%This function accepts an audio file path in string format and creates a

%randomly located clip from the audio file, whose length and sample rate

%can be chosen.

% Arguments:


% song_path: complete file path (if not in default MATLAB directory)

% r: rate of audio downsampling (i.e. only collect one sample per

% 'down_rate' datapoints

% clip_length: length, in seconds, of the audio clip to be returned


% Returns:


% y: down-sampled, audio clip of desired length

% Fs: clip frame-rate

% default arguments

if nargin < 2

clip_length = 5;


if nargin < 3

r = 1;


[y,Fs] = audioread(song_path);

song_length = size(y,1)/Fs;

sample_start = 30 + rand()*(song_length-10-30);

fin = sample_start + clip_length ;

samples = [round(sample_start*Fs),round(fin*Fs-1)];

clear y Fs

[y,Fs] = audioread(song_path,samples);

y = (y(:,1)+y(:,2))/2;





% Music Genre Identification: Spectrogram Analysis, Classification

% Johnathon R Barhydt

% AMATH 482 HW3


% To get quality spectrograms, tune up the inputs to sgram, default will

% be quick. Currently file hierarchy must be maintained, and each band

% is to have equal number of songs. This can be easily changed.


% specs for this run:

% 3 5sec clips per song

% 16 songs per band

% 3 bands per genre

% 3 genres


% total of 432 clips


clear all; close all; clc

% root music directory, must have genre>band>song substructure


% projection rank, number of spectrogram basis modes in discrimination


% num x-validation iterations


% generate genre lists / band lists / song lists


% build genre list


for i=1:length(genre_list)

genre_list(i)=string( main_dir(i+2).name);


% build band list

for g=1:length(genre_list)

genre_dir_path= char(strcat(directory,"\",genre_list( g )));


band_list=strings( length( genre_dir)-2, 1);

for i=1:length(band_list)

band_list(i)=string( genre_dir( i+2).name);


% build song list

for b=1:length(genre_list)

band_dir_path = char(strcat(directory,"\",genre_list( g ),"\",band_list( b )));


song_list=strings( length( band_dir)-2, 1);

for i=1:length(song_list)

song_list(i)=string( band_dir( i+2).name);


% generates spectrograms of each song clip (CAN BE VERY COSTLY!)

for s=1:length(song_list)

song_path = char(strcat(directory,"\",genre_list( g ),"\",band_list( b ),"\",song_list( s )));

% sgram(downsample_rate,number_timesteps,gab_window_narrowness"

sg1(:,:,s)=sgram(song_path, 10, 20, 1000);

sg2(:,:,s)=sgram(song_path, 10, 20, 1000);

sg3(:,:,s)=sgram(song_path, 10, 20, 1000);


% export spectrograms as Genre_BandName.mat

filename = strcat(genre_list(g),'_',band_list(b),'.mat');

% collect sgrams

sg = cat(3,sg1,sg2,sg3);

save(filename, 'sg');




%% Load Saved Spectrograms For Analysis, this would be simplified outside of a 'toy model'




for i=1:size(A,3)




for i=1:size(A,3)




for i=1:size(A,3)




for i=1:size(A,3)




for i=1:size(A,3)




for i=1:size(A,3)




for i=1:size(A,3)




for i=1:size(A,3)




for i=1:size(A,3)



clear A;


%% (test 0) Random Guess

% for any three choices, there's a 33% chance to get an answer right.

% solutions

test_sol= [zeros(1,18),1*ones(1,18),2*ones(1,18)]';

for i=1:perms

rand_accuracy(i)=nnz((test_sol==randi([0 2],1,54)'))/length(test_sol);


% cross validation result statistics



result = strcat(num2str(u_accuracy)," +/- ",num2str(s_accuracy),"% (Accuracy to 1 Std. Dev.)");

plot(rand_accuracy), set(gca,'Ylim',[0,1]), legend(result,'Location','southeast')

title('Random Band Discrimination Performance')

ylabel(strcat("Accuracy: Given ",num2str(length(test_sol)*perms)," Trials"))

xlabel('Cross Validation Run Number')


%% (test 1) Band Classification:

% From unused 5-second clips, determine if band is:

% Beethoven, Children of Bodom, or Sly & the Family Stone

% using full rank linear projection discrimination


data =[beeth bodom stone];

% decompose data


% grab band 'fingerprints', up to a given feature mode rank




% cross validation of training/test

for i=1:perms

% scramble data for train/test sets




% traning set

train_set=[ vbeeth(perm1(1:30),:);...



% test set

test_set= [ vbeeth(perm1(31:end),:);...



% ground truth (0=beethoven, 1=bodom, 2=sly & the family stone)

sol_set = [zeros(1,30),1*ones(1,30),2*ones(1,30)]';

test_sol= [zeros(1,18),1*ones(1,18),2*ones(1,18)]';

% LDA decision tree




beet_v_bodom=(test_LDA>bm_line); %0 for beethoven, 1 for bodom




beet_v_sly=2*(test_LDA>bs_line); %0 for beethoven, 2 for sly & tfs




bodom_v_sly=1+(test_LDA>ms_line); %1 for bodom, 2 for sly & tfs

% results: each entry corresponds to a spectrogram column

% 0=beethoven 1=bodom 2=sly & the family stone





% cross validation result statistics



result = strcat(num2str(u_accuracy)," +/- ",num2str(s_accuracy),"% (Accuracy to 1 Std. Dev.)");

plot(accuracy), set(gca,'Ylim',[0,1]), legend(result,'Location','southeast')

title('LDA Band Discrimination Performance')

ylabel(strcat("Accuracy: Given ",num2str(length(test_sol)*perms)," Trials"))

xlabel('Cross Validation Run Number')


%% (test 2) Classification Within Genre:

% From unused 5-second clips, determine if band is:

% Nile, Children of Bodom, or Necrophagist

% using naive Bayesian discrimination

data =[bodom necro nile];

% decompose data


% grab band 'fingerprints', up to a given feature mode rank



vnile= v(97:end,1:rank);

% cross validation of training/test

for i=1:perms

% scramble data for train/test sets



perm3=randperm(size(nile ,2));

% traning set

train_set=[ vbodom(perm1(1:30),:);...



% test set

test_set= [ vbodom(perm1(31:end),:);...



% ground truth (1=bodom, 2=necro, 3=nile)

sol_set = [ones(1,30),2*ones(1,30),3*ones(1,30)]';

test_sol= [ones(1,18),2*ones(1,18),3*ones(1,18)]';

% run naive bayes ppredictor



% use logic against solution set for accuracy




% cross validation result statistics



result = strcat(num2str(u_accuracy)," +/- ",num2str(s_accuracy),...

"% (Accuracy to 1 Std. Dev.)");

% cross validation visual




title('Naive Bayes Band Discrimination Performance')

ylabel(strcat("Accuracy: Given ",num2str(length(test_sol)*perms)," Trials"))

xlabel('Cross Validation Run Number')


%% (test 3) Genre Classification:

% from 5-second clips of new bands, determine if genre is:

% Classical, Metal, or Funk

% using classification-and-regression-tree (CART) discrimination

data =[beeth mozrt tchai earth delic stone bodom necro nile];

% decompose data

[u,s,v]=svd(data,'econ'); clear data;

% grab genre 'fingerprints', up to a given feature mode rank

rank=5; %<----don't need many modes for decision tree to be accurate




% cross validation of training/test

for i=1:perms

% scramble data for train/test sets




% traning set

train_set=[ vclas(perm1(1:90),:);...



% test set

test_set= [ vclas(perm1(91:end),:);...



% ground truth (1=classic, 2=funk, 3=metal)

sol_set = [ones(1,90),2*ones(1,90),3*ones(1,90)]';

test_sol= [ones(1,54),2*ones(1,54),3*ones(1,54)]';

% run naive bayes predictor



% use logic against solution set for accuracy




% cross validation result statistics



result = strcat(num2str(u_accuracy)," +/- ",num2str(s_accuracy),...

"% (Accuracy to 1 Std. Dev.)");

% cross validation visual




title('Regression-Tree Genre Discrimination Performance')

ylabel(strcat("Accuracy: Given ",num2str(length(test_sol)*perms)," Trials"))

xlabel('Cross Validation Run Number')


Machine Learning: Music Genre/Band Identification - Spectrogram Creation & Analysis. Comparison between Naive Bayes, Linear Discriminant Analysis, and Classification/Regression Trees







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