An example of the rest interface.
Get User (GET)
- gets the database primary key of the user and there details given the sfu computing id Request: { command: "getuser", id: "jrf2" }
- success Response: { command: "getuser", id: "jrf2", code: 0, user_id: 0, firstname: "jordan", lastname: "fox", Type: 2 }
- error: user is not in the database
- error: id is missing
- error: command != "getuser"
Add User (POST)
- adds a new user profile to the database Request: { command: "adduser", id: "jrf2", firstname: "jordan", lastname: "fox", Type: 2 } Types? (0 - Student, 1 - Instructor, 2 - Admin}
- success Response: { command: "adduser", id: "jrf2", code: 0, message: "user added successfully" }
- error: user is already in the database
- error: a field is missing
- error: command != "adduser"
Set User (PUT)
- change one or more of the users information fields, id or user_id is required Request: { command: "setuser", id: "jrf2", firstname: "jordan" }
- success Response: { command: "setuser", id: "jrf2", code: 0, message: "user update successfully" }
- error: user is not in the database
- error: command != "adduser"
Delete User (DELETE)
- note: I have not added delete because removing a user should only be done for debugging
Add/Update/Delete Course (POST/PUT/DELETE)
- note: I assumed this would be done automatically and not through REST
Get Course (GET)
- get the details of a course given a course id Request: { command: "getcourse", course_id: 0 }
- success Response: { command: "getcourse", dept: "cmpt", number: "376W", section: "D100", Semester: "1111" }
- error: course not in database
- error: command != "getcourse"
- Add Like
- user likes a resource Request: { command: "addlike", User_id: 0, Resource_id: 0 }
- success Response: { command: "addlike", code: 100, message: "message" }
- error: user_id or resource_id not found
- error: command != "addlike"
Add Comment
- add a comment, the id of the thing it is added to changes how it is handled Request: { command: "addcomment", title: "mytitle", body: "body", question_id: 0 } Request: { command: "addcomment", title: "mytitle", body: "body", comment_id: 0 } Request: { command: "addcomment", title: "mytitle", body: "body", resource_id: 0 } Request: { command: "addcomment", title: "mytitle", body: "body", file_id: 0 }
- success
- error: resource/comment/question/answer/file not found
- error: command != "addcomment"
Get Comments
- get a single comment (needed?) Request: { command: "getcomment", comment_id: 0 }
- returns the comments for a post Request: { command: "getcomments", post_id: 0 }
- returns the comments for a user Request: { command: "getcomments", user_id: 0 }
Update Comment
- update a comment Request: { command: "updatecomment", comment_id: 0, body: "newbody" } Response: { command: "updatecomment", code: 0, message: "update success" }
Delete Comment Request: { command: "deletecomment", comment_id: 0 }
- Get Tags
- Get Tag
- Add Tag Request: { command: "addtag", file_id: 0, start: 0, end: 120, Category: 0 }
- Update Tag
- Delete Tag
- GetFiles
- Get File
- Add File Request: { command: "addfile", title:"mytitle", path: "mypath", category_id: 0 }
- Update
- Delete
- Get Study Groups
- Get Study Group
- Add Study Group
- Update Study Group
- Delete Study Group