an example of how to do authenication in node js, using a simple forum as an example
This app will only work properly under linux, specifically because of the bcrypt module. Apparently, the crypto module can be used instead under windows, if you are interested.
You must rename the config.json.defaults file to config.json and change any of the necessary values
This app requires that you also run your own mysql server to connect to for storing usernames and passwords
It is possible to set this app to run on https, simply go into app.js and uncomment the two lines that read in the privatekey and certificate. Also, right below that the createServer function must be passed the key and cert objects. To generate these two files you must run the following commands first:
openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 1024
openssl req -new -key privatekey.pem -out certrequest.csr
openssl x509 -req -in certrequest.csr -signkey privatekey.pem -out certificate.pem
See this page for details on https in nodejs: