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Check how they do it in....

Check failure on line 3 in .github/workflows/NOTES for release.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/NOTES for release.yml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 3
* PHPUnit
* PHPDocumentor
* PHPStan
* Still also needs the (slimmed down) release checklist for the manual steps
* basic principle: trigger a release build on closing a milestone.
!!! ONLY RUN on this repo!!!
-> see if any of the "prelim" tasks can be automated (like checking for squizlabs `@license` tag)
- create a tag
- create the phars
- run the tests
- sign the PHAR files
-> will need to figure out if this step will fail (correctly) if the signature needs renewal. If not, will need a check before this to check if the signature is still valid
- attest the signatures too ?
- verify PHAR attestations
- create the GH Pages update
-> will probably need a script to update the phive.xml file
- commit & build GH Pages
- verify the site has been updated
- download phar file and check phpcs -v against tag
- do test install with phive and verify installed versions
- create a draft release for the tag and upload the phar + asc files to it
- ??? can probably not do the update of the version nr to next as doesn't know what the "next" version should be...
* will need a think about if and if so, how the PHAR building job can be made re-usable
* will need a think about whether `test` should still run on `tag` as if the tag is created by a workflow, I highly doubt it will trigger a run
=> and if so, may need to have a think about making the test workflow reusable too, including whether this can be set up to handle code coverage in the same re-usable workflow