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django SHOP - Variable Products

This app's purpose is to provide two product mixin classes together with two corresponding view mixin classes. They offers two simple product variations variants. They can be used as a stand-alone app or as a starting point how to add a self contained variation to a product.

Currently two variation variants are implemented

Option groups

One or more groups of options may be assigned to a product. Such a group can be something like color, wrapping paper, etc. Each of these groups can have two or more options, say for group color: red, pink, yellow, magenta.

The shop owner may specify for each product, which option groups shall belong to it. To each option, an additional price can be added.

While filling the shopping cart, the customer then may chose one of these options using a select box.

Text options

One or more text options may be assigned to a product. Such an option can be something such as an individual engraving or a congratulation message. An additional price may be added per character.

While filling the shopping cart, the customer then may add an individual text message to the product he intends to buy.


This requires a patched version of django SHOP ( which offers a simpler interface to products variations.

  • Add shop_optiongroups and/or to shop_textoptions your INSTALLED_APPS of your
  • Add shop_optiongroups.cart_modifier.OptionGroupsCartModifier and/or shop_textoptions.cart_modifier.TextOptionsOptionsCartModifier to your SHOP_CART_MODIFIERS of your

Alternative models

You can easily override the current models with a customized options class derived from the abstract base classes shop_optiongroups.models.bases.OptionGroupBase, shop_optiongroups.models.bases.OptionBase and shop_textoptions.models.bases.TextOptionBase. This gives you the possibility to add additional fields to your customized option model class.

To enable this overriding, in point SHOP_OPTIONGROUP_MODEL and/or SHOP_OPTION_MODEL and/or SHOP_TEXTOPTION_MODEL to your class model.


Run schemamigration for shop_optiongroups and shop_textoptions and migrate those schemas.

Change your code

Add to your product model one or both of these mixin classes:

from shop.models.productmodel import Product
from shop_optiongroups.models import ProductOptionGroupsMixin
from shop_textoptions.models import ProductTextOptionsMixin

class MyProduct(Product, ProductOptionGroupsMixin, ProductTextOptionsMixin):

Add to your product's detail view one or both of these mixin classes:

from shop.views.product import ProductDetailView
from shop_optiongroups.views import ProductOptionGroupsViewMixin
from shop_textoptions.views import ProductTextOptionsViewMixin

class MyProductDetailView(ProductOptionGroupsViewMixin, \
   ProductTextOptionsViewMixin, ProductDetailView):

Override django-shop's product_detail.html template and add selection elements so that your users can select these variations. Use the prepared template tags for this purpose:

{% load product_optiongroups product_textoptions %}
{% with option_groups=object|get_option_groups %}
{% if option_groups %}
  {% for option_group in option_groups %}
  <label for="add_item_option_group_{{ }}">{{ }}:</label>
  {% with option_group|get_options as options %}
  <select name="add_item_option_group_{{ }}">
    {% for option in options %}
    <option value="{{ }}">{{ }}</option>
    {% endfor %}
  {% endwith %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
{% with text_options=object.text_options.all %}
{% if text_options %}
  <h2>Text options:</h2>
  {% for text_option in text_options %}
  <label for="add_item_text_option_{{ }}">{{ }}:</label>
  <input type="text" name="add_item_text_option_{{ }}" value="" />
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}

Fill your database

  • Log into the admin interface.
  • Go to Shop_Optiongroups.
  • Add an Option Group and add Options to this group.
  • Go to Shop_Textoptions.
  • Add a Text Option.


Feel free to fork this project on github, send pull requests... development discussion happends on the django SHOP mailing list!forum/django-shop


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