A hand tracking project implemented in C++. Utilises 2 webcams to track a hand in 3D by filtering on optical flow and pixel colour.
Originally developed in 2010 using Visual Studio for a 4th year EE degree project
Stephan Morf, Skin colour detector: http://opencv-users.1802565.n2.nabble.com/demo-of-handGestures-and-detection-of-fingertips-td3918028.html
Target Values for skin: http://www.curvemeister.com/tutorials/Video/PrepressTargetValuesForSkin.jpg
David Stavens, Stanford, Optical Flow example: http://robots.stanford.edu/cs223b05/notes/CS%20223-B%20T1%20stavens_opencv_optical_flow.pdf
Optical Flow research: Optical Flow Estimation, David J. Fleet, Yair Weiss http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~fleet/research/Papers/flowChapter05.pdf