Hourglass is a tool to help contracting personnel estimate their per-hour labor costs for a contract, based on historical pricing information. The tool is in the very early stages of development. You can track our progress on our trello board or file an issue on this repo.
To install the requirements, use
pip install -r requirements.txt
Currently, Hourglass is a basic Django project. You can get started by creating a local_settings.py file (based off of local_settings.example.py) with your local database configuration, and running
./manage.py syncdb
to set up the database. After that, you can load all of the data by running
./manage.py load_data
From there, you're just a hop, skip and a jump away from your own dev server, using
./manage.py runserver
Currently the only endpoint is http://localhost:8000/api/rates/
You can search for prices of specific labor categories by using the q parameter. For example:
You can also filter by the minimum education level, minimum years of experience, and maximum years of experience. For example:
The valid values for min_education are AA (associates), BA (bachelors), MA (masters), and PHD (Ph.D).
The default pagination is set to 200. You can paginate using the page parameter. For example:
More to come soon!