Hit my repositories and you will find some cool Android Apps/Libraries and a bunch of NodeJs Projects.

About me
- ⚙️ I normally use :
; - 📖 Learning all I can about crypto universe;
- 💼 In the past, Worked with: Pascal(Delphi), .NET, JSP and C#
- ⚡️ Plus fact: I'm a huge fan of sushi
const myDevTimeline = {
2022: {
age: 31,
achivments: [
"Deep dive into AndroidX libraries"
"Starts learning about NFT world",
"Starts a NFT P2E Game (Web-Nodejs) 🎮",
"Shopping List app hits +270,000 downloads",
2021: {
age: 30,
achivments: [
"Closes E-commerce Company",
"First Bitcoin and Ethereum Mining operations ⛏",
2020: {
age: 29,
achivments: [
"Became close about Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain",
"Left tech area and stayed ahead of the Commercial and Marketing on E-commerce Company"
2019: {
age: 27,
achivments: [
"Hawk became a Full Solution for backend operations at the E-commerce",
"First Hawk app mobile version",
"Learns Magento and Magento API",
2018: {
age: 26,
achivments: [
"Returned to Brazil 🇧🇷",
"Sold 100% of Stärker app owning 💰",
"Bought 50% of a Child's Clothes E-commerce Company",
"Became Tech Leader of E-commerce",
"Learned Nodejs & React Frameworks",
"Starts Building a Full backend solution to the E-commerce Company (Hawk)",
"First Chrome Extension (RabbitArchiver)"
2017: {
age: 25,
achivments: [
"Shopping List app hits +100,000 downloads",
"Moved to Pitman, New Jersey USA 🇺🇸",
"Launch of MaterialAbout Android Library (+1.5k Stars)",
"Launch of GaussianBlur Android Library (+450 Stars)",
"Launch of PickImage Android Library (+430 Stars)",
"Launch of several small Android Libraries to help grown Android Community",
2016: {
age: 24,
achivments: [
"First Bitcoin Investment (Not Much 😅)",
"First Neat sale of Stärker app",
"+25 clients using Stärker",
"Sold 50% of Stärker app owning",
"Participated on Vanhackathon 2.0 (Android Specialist)",
"+10 Android Development classes taught (Proway Blumenau)",
"Became Android Tutor (Entra21 Blumenau)"
2015: {
age: 23,
achivments: [
"Starts a Tech Company (Neat)",
"Shopping List app Hits 50,000 downloads",
"College Gradueted 🎓 (Information Systems at Uniasselvi)",
"Launch of Sales Force Android app. Beta version. (Stärker) 🚀",
"First Website (Stärker Sales page)",
"Learns About Bitcoin",
"Became Android Teacher (Proway Blumenau)"
2014: {
age: 22,
achivments: [
"Learned C++",
"Hired as Full-Time Android Developer",
"Launch first Android App (Shopping List)",
"Starts deploying many other small Android apps",
"Begin of Stärker app bussines plan",
"Learned HTML, CSS and JS bases",
2013: {
age: 21,
achivments: [
"Java Course",
"Android Course",
"Learns SQLite",
"First Personal Blog (Dev Life)"
2012: {
age: 20,
achivments: [
"Hired as Full-Time Developer (Delphi & Oracle)",
"Starts Learning Java",
"Created the my very first Delphi Library (File Searcher)",
"Created a Tic Tac Toe game (Delphi)",
"First contact with C#"
2011: {
age: 19,
achivments: [
"Changed College Course (Information Systems at Uniasselvi)",
"Moved to Software Deployment Consultant",
"First DB procedures and functions (Oracle) ⚙️",
2010: {
age: 18,
achivments: [
"Starts College (Computer Cience at FURB)",
"First IT Job (Customer Support) ✅",
"First database contact (Microsoft Access)",
"SQL Course (SQL Server)",
"First SQL Queries",
2009: {
age: 17,
achivments: [
"Win XP Course 💾",
"MS-DOS Course",
".bat & .vbs files all over the Desktop"
2008: {
age: 16,
achivments: [
"First code contact (.bat)",
"Begin of software fascination ♥️",
2004: {
age: 12,
achivments: [
"🥇 Got my first PC",
"🎮 Begining of gaming addition (Carmageddon & Diablo II)",