Package for downstream analysis of pangenomes databases, working with Practical Haplotype Graph and its h.VCF files. Note: This is an early release, and still under development. Not proper tests have been developed. Better annotations and code improvement will be implemented. For any comment, feel free to contact, any feedback is welcome:
Repository written in python to perform downstream analysis of Practical Haplotype Graph. It is prepared to either work in command line to analyse the pangenome database, but also notebooks are available to be used and modified if needed by any user. It mainly works with h.VCF files, a modified version of 2.4 VCF.
It basically works with two outputs of PHG:
The pangenome graph is build from the reference genome. Ranges based in annotated genes are described, establishing by starting and ending nodes, physic coordinates at a chromosome. Aligning new genomes against it determines the presence/absence of each range at this genome. Then, it is possible to add to the pangenome, retaining also this new haplotype for the range, enriching the variability for it. With the module Create VCF files of PHG an haplotype file for each genome is obtained, as a h.VCF. It is useful to merge the VCFs to do analysis of the graph as a whole. Modules supported now:
- Core, accessory and unique ranges analysis
- Pangenome ranges evolution
- Plot pangenome regions/chromosomes
- Check haplotypes for a region
- Extract fasta sequence from a pangenome range
Imputation is a powerful tool from PHG to achieve complete genomes even from low density sequence or variant data. What is obtained after aligning kmers and getting the graph of the haplotype is a h.VCF file, which some data can be mined from it:
phgtools range-pangenome-evolution --pangenome-hvcf-folder /Example_database/output/vcf_files/ --reference-fasta Ref.fa --range-bedfile output/ref_ranges.bed
phgtools core-range-detecter --pangenome-hvcf output/MergedLinesA_B_C.h.vcf
phgtools plot-pangenome-chromosomes --pangenome-hvcf-folder output/vcf_files/ --reference-hvcf output/Ref.h.vcf.gz --chromosome chr2 --region 15000-35000 --reference-fasta Ref.fa
phgtools check-haplotype-alleles --pangenome-hvcf output/MergedLinesA_B_C.h.vcf --reference-fasta Ref.fa [--start 18800 --end 20100 --chromosome 2]
phgtools check-imputated-haplotype --pangenome-folder output/ --imputed-hvcf output/LineD.h.vcf
phgtools plot-imputed-hvcf --imputed-hvcf output/LineD.h.vcf --pangenome-hvcf-folder output/ --reference-hvcf hvcf_files/Ref.h.vcf.gz
phgtools fasta-from-key --fastas-folder data/prepared_genomes --vcf-folder output/vcf_files/ --key 3efc16790e55a2a8334c939d0795dfde --hapIDtable output/vcf_files/hapIDtable.tsv
Find examples of usage at the Example database
To use this package, a conda environment is used. It is a modified version of the original phg one, adding the pygenometracks package for python plotting. For everything further needed, it will be updated.
git clone
chmod +x /PHGv2Tools/Misc/
source ~/.bashrc #Will update PYTHONPATH and allow to call phgtools from anywhere
conda activate phgtools
pip install PHGv2Tools/
Note* Is important to NOT change the working directory; PHGv2Tools will be included in PYTHONPATH, and you will be able to call phgtools --help
from everywhere.
If it is not the case and the package is not found, you may check:
pip show PHGv2Tools
export PYTHONPATH=\$PYTHONPATH:$/Your/path/previous/to/ #Path must be the folder containing the PGHv2Tools/ ===> Being the real path: /Your/Path/previous/to/PHGv2Tools/...
If it did not work automatically and you want to keep permanently the path at your terminal:
nano ~/.bashrc
# And add at the end of the file:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/Your/path/previous/to/
# Save and close the file
source ~/.bashrc
Ensure to have installed PHGv2. Follow the steps here
It is recomended to check if phgtools, phgv2 and its dependences are properly accessible. Run the following command:
phgtools check-setup
Ensure all dependencies of PHGv2 matches with the required version, and PHGv2 itself is properly installed and accessible.
NOTE: call all accessible scripts running
plus the module to run [i.e.phgtools check-setup
] if phgtools is properly installed and available at your python path.You can always add
at any module to get brief information about all the possible arguments.If needed, feel free to directly call the script from the folder with
python3 Modules/
. Notebooks are available and ready to be easily edited.Find a toy example dataset and its detailed pipeline. Ask or request whatever you may need.
Having a merged h.VCF file of the pangenome PHG database, it is possible to determine which ranges are found in all, only one or in certain genomes of the pangenome. As PHG ranges are based in genes annotation, it is possible to perform a parallelism between them. It is stapled for pangenome data analysis to think about core, accessory and unique genes:
img reference Extrapolating this into the PHG ranges, it is useful to have the information of which ranges are shared or not.
is the script which will give as output 2 png images:
- bar plot of ranges distributed in how many genomes are found at pangenome.
- sector diagram plotting the % of core, accessory and unique haplotypes. It takes as arguments:
--pangenome-hvcf // -phvcf <Merged of all hvcf of the pangenome database> #Built with phg merge-hvcfs
A pangenome store all variability from species that a single reference genome can not. However, as long as increasing the amount of varieties included in a pangenome the growing slope breaks exponentially, showing a collapsed top. To plot how does these ranges storage in each species pangenome is usefull in order to optimize the ammount of data stored.
is the script stacking one by one the haplotype files and plotting the number of ranges. Taking as arguments:
--pangenome-hvcf-folder // -pfolder <Folder path to the h.vcf files of the pangenome database> #Built with phg create-maf-vcf
--reference-fasta // -ref-fa <Reference.fasta> #Built with phg prepare-assemblies
--range-bedfile // -bed <reference_ranges.bed> #Built with phg create-ranges
Module to plot a region of a chromosome (or the whole chr) of the pangenome.
If not region is specified, it will be plotted the entire chromosome. The script is plot-pangenome-chromosomes
and its agruments are:
--pangenome-hvcf-folder // -pfolder <Folder path to the h.vcf files of the pangenome database> #Built with phg create-maf-vcf
--reference-hvcf // -refhvcf <Reference.h.vcf> #Built with phg create-ref-vcf
--chromosome // -chr <chrX> i.e. [chr1], [chr22]
--reference-fasta // -ref-fa <Reference.fasta> #Built with phg prepare-assemblies
--region // -reg <START-END> i.e. [10000-20000] #If not added, whole chr is plotted
For those who are looking for genes alleles; Ranges are built with genes annotation. Having the coordinates of the reference genome and running check-haplotype-alleles
will provide a list of the haplotype ranges found in each genome and its coordinates of the ensambled respective genome.
These are the mandatory arguments:
--pangenome-hvcf // -phvcf <Merged of all hvcf of the pangenome database> #Built with phg merge-hvcfs
--reference-fasta // -ref-fa <Reference.fasta> #Built with phg prepare-assemblies
And then, provide the coordinates. These are optional, but will be asked ahead if there are not as a command line argument.
--chromosome // -chr <INT> i.e. <2>
--start // -s <START> i.e. <1000>
--end // -e <END> i.e. <5000>
As output get:
Start: 101659993
End: 101663495
Chromosome: chr3
there are 10 keys of ranges containing the coordinates:
['fab0e96084dc1cd37d85e739d9142fe1', '44bd8430f89cdc117f9ff4e5686dc16a', '02d192f4d99f589c987a3d4b70688fac', '6c54df6405d0a54f48805e72edfab1bc', '15ef9d82eb9d5b3e58c8427c26800e8a', '7ce1fef0bdcce3f10d4582b6ccee55c3', '4f38def45958aff23b026a8bc092971d', 'ec5cff96aa97d55a83311afe7bf6aef8', 'a44306a57bbbb7b59741e6cbe324e9d0', '06af94fcc1afa0679b88c7053f1251f9']
Line: HOR_12184 Region: chr3H_OX460224.1:103196667-103201170 Reference range:chr3H_LR890098.1:101659493-101663995>
Line: HOR_3474 Region: chr3H:104111380-104115859 Reference range:chr3H_LR890098.1:101659493-101663995>
Line: HOR_14121 Region: chr3H:105286336-105290830 Reference range:chr3H_LR890098.1:101659493-101663995>
Line: HOR_1168 Region: chr3H_OX460231.1:105381557-105386054 Reference range:chr3H_LR890098.1:101659493-101663995>
Line: HOR_21599 Region: chr3H_OX460266.1:105308925-105313416 Reference range:chr3H_LR890098.1:101659493-101663995>
Line: HOR_13942 Region: chr3H_OX460097.1:102757692-102762177 Reference range:chr3H_LR890098.1:101659493-101663995>
Line: HOR_21595 Region: chr3H:103459448-103463939 Reference range:chr3H_LR890098.1:101659493-101663995>
Line: HOR_3365 Region: chr3H_OX460308.1:103739508-103744008 Reference range:chr3H_LR890098.1:101659493-101663995>
Line: HOR_2779 Region: chr3H_OX460210.1:101243522-101248011 Reference range:chr3H_LR890098.1:101659493-101663995>
Line: HOR_10892 Region: chr3H_OX460112.1:105761775-105766280 Reference range:chr3H_LR890098.1:101659493-101663995>
*** If instead a merged VCF from the whole pangenome you give as imput an imputed VCF file, it will return the presence (or not) of a range and to which pangenome haplotype has been associated.
Taking an imputed h.vcf from phg map-kmers
and find-paths
and plots it in a single image:
takes as argument:
--imputed-hvcf // -ihvcf <Imputed h.vcf> #Built with phg find-paths
--reference-hvcf // -refhvcf <Reference.h.vcf> #Built with phg create-ref-vcf
--pangenome-hvcf-folder // -pfolder <Folder path to the h.vcf files of the pangenome database> #Built with phg create-maf-vcf
Reads all pangenome haplotypes and compare with an imputated h.vcf, to extract the percentage of the genome is used to build up the imputed haplotype. It is now only based in nº ranges itself, not based in base pairs absolute amount. Call the script with check-imputated-haplotype
and provide as arguments:
--pangenome-hvcf-folder // -pf <Folder path to the h.vcf files of the pangenome database> #Built with phg create-maf-vcf
--imputed-hvcf // -ihvcf <Imputed h.vcf> #Built with phg find-paths
Working on plotting the results, for now we get a list for the results:
Total ranges in ../output/ensambled_genomes/1740D-268-01_S1_L001_R1_001_GDB136.h.vcf is 65703
Checking HOR_14121
Match count for HOR_14121 is 15678 out of 65703 ranges(23.86%)
Checking HOR_2830
Match count for HOR_2830 is 15942 out of 65703 ranges(24.26%)
Checking HOR_2779
Match count for HOR_2779 is 14736 out of 65703 ranges(22.43%)
Checking HOR_12184
Match count for HOR_12184 is 22570 out of 65703 ranges(34.35%)
Checking HOR_3474
Match count for HOR_3474 is 13813 out of 65703 ranges(21.02%)
Checking HOR_21599
Match count for HOR_21599 is 14722 out of 65703 ranges(22.41%)
Checking HOR_1168
Match count for HOR_1168 is 21094 out of 65703 ranges(32.11%)
Checking HOR_13942
Match count for HOR_13942 is 23469 out of 65703 ranges(35.72%)
Checking HOR_21595
Match count for HOR_21595 is 14884 out of 65703 ranges(22.65%)
Checking HOR_10892
Match count for HOR_10892 is 17269 out of 65703 ranges(26.28%)
Checking HOR_3365
Match count for HOR_3365 is 16552 out of 65703 ranges(25.19%)
Extracts the fasta sequence from a range key of the pangenome.
It can use either a merged vcf file or a haplotype ID table to extract the fasta.
Requires the path of the folder containing the vcf files, the path of the folder containing the fasta files, the key to extract the fasta, end either the merged hvcf file or the haplotype ID table, build with phg merge-hvcf
or phg hapid-sample-table
options of the PHGv2 pipeline.
If the output folder is not specified, the fasta will be printed at the console and not saved.
If there are more than one genomes in pangenome owning the key, the fasta will be extracted from the first genome found (It doesn't matter).
Warning: It uses an indexed fasta with samtools faidx. If the fasta is not indexed, it will not work.
perl -e 'for my $file (glob("/path/to/folder/*.fa")) { print "Indexing $file\n"; system("samtools faidx $file") == 0 or die "Failed to index $file: $!"; }'
Substitute your path fastas folder path; .fai files will be created. Ensure to work on phgtools conda env.
Call the script with fasta-from-key
and provide as arguments:
--fastas-folder <Folder containing all fastas from the pangenome genomes>
--vcf-folder <Folder path to the h.vcf files of the pangenome database>
--key <Introduce the key ID of the range>
Then, provide one of the following files:
--merged-vcf <Merged of all hvcf of the pangenome database> #Built with phg merge-hvcfs
--hapIDtable <.tsv of the pangenome ranges ID> #Built with phg hapid-sample-table
PHGtools is ready to use as command line software. However, every script is ready to use either as a command line or a notebook. Download the files from notebooks repository. Find there a brief guide too.
The Practical Haplotype Graph, a platform for storing and using pangenomes for imputation