- Python 3
- python-crfsuite
- flask
- chardet
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 luima_sbd.py -f ./data/example.txt
python3 luima_sbd.py -p 5555
There is an example request to the service in example_request.py. If you comment out the line with url variable and uncomment the line below you will get sentence offsets instead of sentences.
Copy this project directory to your project and import sbd_utils.py. From there you can call the text2sentences(text, offsets=False) function which expects a text as an argument. Setting the optional offsets argument to True indicates that you would like sentence offsets instead of the sentences.
We kindly ask you to cite the following paper in your work using the data set:
Savelka, Jaromir, Vern R. Walker, Matthias Grabmair and Kevin D. Ashley. "Sentence Boundary Detection in Adjudicatory Decisions in the United States." TAL 58.2 (2017).