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An Ember CLI Addon to provide a model layer for an Ember application.


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Ember CLI version: 0.1.3

NPM package name: sl-ember-model

License: MIT

Is currently in BETA

What sl-ember-model is

A library for managing model data in your Ember.js applications. It is designed to be agnostic to the underlying persistence mechanism, so it works just as well with JSON APIs over HTTP as it does with streaming WebSockets or local storage.

This library does not support relationships or manage data state such as how Ember Data does.

What this library DOES do is allow you to work with models that do not have to be pre-defined. Having a dependency on sl-ember-modelize, this libary is able to dynamically set data returned from an endpoint onto the correct model objects without having any knowledge of the data it will be receiving.

Working Demo


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


For more information on using ember-cli, visit

How to use this addon in your application

Install this addon as a Node module

npm install --save-dev sl-ember-model

Instantiating the Store

In sl-ember-model, the store is responsible for managing the lifecycle of your models. Every time you need a model or a collection of models, you'll ask the store for it.

To create a store, you don't need to do anything. Just by loading the sl-ember-model library all of the routes and controllers in your application will get a new store property. This property is an instance of sl-ember-model/Store that will be shared across all of the routes and controllers in your app.

Defining Your Models

Using the generator

To add a model to your project, simple do ember g slmodel <modelname>. You can also specify the url and/or the adapter by appending the options:

ember g slmodel <modelname> url:<url> adapter:<adapter>

More on these options later.

Creating by hand

First create a new model in your /models folder:

$touch models/foo.js

Add inside that file:

import SlModel from 'sl-ember-model';

var Foo = SlModel.extend({ });

Using Adapters:

Sl-Ember-Model has two adapters out of the box: ajax and localstorage. You can specify your adapter in your model by reopening it's class:

    adapter: 'ajax'

Models have ajax specified as default, so you don't need to do this unless you want to use a different adapter.

SL-Ember-Model adapters always return Ember Promise Proxies. If you request a single object then you will get an Ember.ObjectProxy with the promise proxy mixin applied. Requests for Multiple records will return an Ember.ArrayProxy with the promise proxiy mixin applied.

Ajax adapter

The ajax adapter uses ic-ajax to make xhr requests to your remote api. Successful responses will be serialized and then applied to a new created instance of your model. In the case of an error, the promise will be rejected and you will be provided with the exact response provided by ic-ajax.

Urls, Endpoints, Serializers:

When using the ajax adapter you can setup a single url if your api is restful or multiple endpoints if you need fine grain control. Multiple endpoints come in handy if your api isn't so restful.

The base level url and serializer will be used by default. Override them or add different ones at any endpoint. Endpoints that return multiple records should only return an array. You can add any metadata for those queries to the store via the metaForType function.

    url: '/foo',
    serializer: function( response, store ) { return xformData( response ); },
    endpoints: {
        'superFoo': {
            get: {
                url: '/superFoo',
                serializer: function( response, store ) {
                    store.metaForType( 'device', {
                        totalCount: response.totalCount,
                        totalPages: response.totalPages

                    return response.result;
            post: '/superFooPost'
        'boringFoo': {
            url: '/boringFoo',
            serializer: someSerializer
        'superBoringFoo': '/superBoringFoo',

export default Foo;

In the example above, the superFoo:post endpoint will use the default serializer. All HTTP verbs on the boringfoo endpoint will use the someSerializer function as their serializer. All HTTP verbs on the superBoringFoo endpoint will use the default serializer.

Models should always have a url specified. Further urls can be specified in the endpoints object. Urls and Serializers can be specified on a per endpoint/action basis and will default to the top level url and serializer.

If you find you need an inflection service to support your api, we recommend you use Ember-Inflector. You can then use Ember.Inflector in your serializers and models.

Local Storage Adapter

The localstorage adapter works in much the same way as the ajax adapter. It returns Object and Array proxies, with the promise proxy mixin applied. In the case of errors the promise will get rejected with an error object similar to the ic-ajax error object, minus the jqXHR key and object.

If you installed sl-ember-model as an Ember CLI Addon

The localStorage adapter is initialized by default with your project's namespace.

If you want to change the default namespace then you will want to create an initializer:

ember g localstorage-initializer

Now edit the file that was generated in app/initializers/localstorage-initializer.js and define the namespace value.

module SlModel from 'sl-ember-model';

export default {
    name: 'sl-ember-model-localstorage',

    after: 'sl-ember-model',

    initialize: function( container ) {
        var localStorageAdapter = SlModel.LocalstorageAdapter;

            namespace: '<namespace>'

        container.register( 'adapter:localstorage', localStorageAdapter );

If you are manually importing sl-ember-model

You will want to create an initializer:

ember g initializer localstorage-initializer <namespace>

Assign the localstorage adapter to your models

    adapter: 'localstorage',
    url: '/foo'

Notice that the url variable is still needed as it will be used to store this model's records under the adapter's namespace in localStorage.

Error handling

Both the ajax adapter and the localstorage adapter

Usage in Routes

In your routes, simply use the store variable that is injected into every route and controller. Store has the find, findOne, createRecord, and metadataFor methods. Some example use cases:


model: function() {
    return 'foo' );
setupController: function() {
    this.set( 'model', 'foo' ) );


model: function() {
    return 'foo' );


setupController: function() {
    this.set( 'model', 'foo' ) );


model: function() {
    var model = 'foo' );

    model.then( function() {
        this.controllerFor( 'foo/index' ).setProperties( 'foo' ) );
    }.bind( this ) );

    return model;

If you want to load a particular record via an id then pass the id in as the second parameter to store.find: 'foo', 23 );

Usage in Controllers

In your controller you have access to the store too. You can create an options object to handle extra parameters for to be added onto the url being queried. Simply list the parameters in an object on the data key.

actions: {
    changePage: function( page ) {
        var model = 'device', { data: { page: page } } );

        model.then( function() {
            this.set( 'currentPage', page );
            this.set( 'model', model );
        }.bind(this) );

The options object can also take a reload parameter to bypass the caching mechanism: 'device', { reload: true } );


You may want to set up some pre/post query hooks that run after every query. If so just create an initializer in your application's initializers folder:

export default {
    name: 'sl-ember-model-hooks',

    after: 'sl-ember-model',

    initialize: function( container ) {
        container.lookup( 'store:main' ).registerPostQueryHook(
            function( status ) {
                if ( 401 === status ) {
                    container.lookup( 'controller:application' ).send( 'forceLogout' );
                } else if ( 401 != status ) {
                    var authController = container.lookup( 'controller:auth' );

                    if ( authController ) {
                        authController.sendAction( 'session-keep-alive' );


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Copyright and License

sl-ember-model and its source files are Copyright © 2014 SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. The software is MIT Licensed


This software is provided “as is” and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.


An Ember CLI Addon to provide a model layer for an Ember application.







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