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Johannes Schlatow edited this page Mar 26, 2021 · 3 revisions

Taskopen 2.0 Configuration Interface

This page documents the configuration file format of taskopen 2.0. Taskopen 2.0 follows a .ini-style configuration syntax with sections, e.g.:


The config file defines the settings and actions for taskopen. Undefined settings may be derived from environment variables (e.g. $EDITOR). Command line arguments always take precedence over the config file and environment variables.

The config file contains three sections specified below: General, Actions and CLI.

Section: General

This section defines general (default) settings of taskopen. The following keys are available in this section and where already present in the perl version of taskopen.

EDITOR = vim
path_ext = /usr/share/taskopen/scripts
taskbin = task
no_annotation_hook = addnote
task_attributes = priority,project,tags,description

Note, that the config file can be used to specify defaults for any command line option of taskopen, e.g.:

--sort = "urgency-,label+,annot+"
--active-tasks = ""
--debug = 0

Section: Actions

This section specifies the actions as described in Concepts. An action consists of a name, a regex, a target, a command, valid modes and, optionally, a filter command and an inline command.

In order to specify these attributes for different actions, taskopen 2.0 uses . in the config keys as separators. The first part then defines the name of the action, e.g. name.attribute = value. The default values are listed below.

<name>.target = annotations
<name>.regex = ".*"
<name>.labelregex = ".*"
<name>.command = ""
<name>.modes = normal,any,batch
<name>.filtercommand = ""
<name>.inlinecommand = ""

Here is an example for specifying the default notes action from earlier taskopen versions.

notes.regex = "Notes"
notes.command = "$EDITOR $HOME/tasknotes/$UUID.txt"

Another example shows how to specify commands for editing and deleting annotations that reference non-existing files.

edit.regex = ".*"
edit.command = "raw_edit $ANNOTATION"
edit.filtercommand = "test ! -e $FILE"
delete.regex = ".*"
delete.command = "task $UUID denotate -- \"$ANNOTATION\""
delete.filtercommand = "test ! -e $FILE"

Note, that taskopen is sensitive to the order in which the actions are specified. This order determines the priority with which taskopen tries to apply the actions. This priority can be changed by using the --include option.

Section: CLI

This section can be used to define additional subcommands for the command line interface of taskopen. It also allows the definition action groups that simplify referencing multiple actions in the --include and --exclude options (cf. CLI).

As an example, we can specify subcommands as aliases for simple access to the edit and delete actions via taskopen edit [filter] and taskopen delete [filter].

alias.edit = --include=edit
alias.cleanup = batch --include=edit,delete

Regarding grouping, we can, e.g., define a group cleanup to combine the edit and delete action:

group.cleanup = "edit,delete"

By doing this, we can type taskopen --include=cleanup instead of taskopen --include=edit,delete.

Moreover, the default subcommand can be changed:

default = any

Note, that aliases can be used as default subcommand. Yet, any --config within an aliases that is used as a default will be ignored.

Environment variables

As earlier versions, Taskopen 2.0 evaluates the following environment variables to determine default settings for some config keys.

  • $TASKOPENRC: Overrides the default location ($HOME/.taskopenrc) of the config file.


This sections lists examples of how old taskopen settings are converted into the new configuration format. Note, that the general settings only need to be converted into lower case.

Taskopen 1.x config variable Taskopen 2.0 config variable
TASK_BIN task_bin
PATH_EXT path_ext
DEBUG --debug
NO_ANNOTATION_HOOK no_annotation_hook
TASK_ATTRIBUTES task_attributes
DEFAULT_FILTER --active-tasks
BROWSER, BROWSER_REGEX defined in custom action
FILE_CMD, FILE_REGEX defined in custom action
TEXT_REGEX defined in custom action
CUSTOM[0-9]+_REGEX, CUSTOM[0-9]+_CMD defined in custom action
DEFAULT-i via action or alias
DEFAULT-x via action or alias