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Banopoly (WIP)

Play MONOPOLY using the Banano cryptocurrency.


  1. Create a Spotify application and get a refresh token
  2. Install MongoDB locally or set up a remote instance like MongoDB Atlas

Self-Hosting (e.g. on a VPS)

  1. Clone this repository and move to its directory (e.g. git clone && cd banopoly)
  2. Install other dependencies using npm install
  3. Copy .env.local.example to .env.local and edit it if necessary

Managed Hosting with Vercel

  1. Start a new project with this repository
  2. Add all environment variables from .env.local.example and set their values as needed


npm dev

Production Build

npm build
npm start


No connection to a self-hosted MongoDB instance

  • check sudo service mongod status
    • is inactive:
      sudo service mongod start
    • fails with status 14:
      sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb /var/lib/mongodb
      sudo chown mongodb:mongodb /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock
      sudo service mongod restart

To do

Feel free to submit a pull request.

  • fix contact download before game start
  • do not add already joined players on reload
  • move fun facts to external URL
  • fix animation on balance change
  • replace BananoJS with another API that supports binding to balance change
  • add other UI languages (currently German only)
  • add instructions on securing the MongoDB database
  • add an authorization dialog for Spotify
  • clear database records at end of game
  • use long polling for names on the invite page
  • add an option to remove joined players