Vue plugin/directive for adding microdata tags to your markup
npm install vue-schema-microdata
# or
yarn add vue-schema-microdata
// Import and install plugin
import VueSchemaMicrodata from 'vue-schema-microdata'
<!-- Use v-schema directive in your markup -->
<div v-schema:scope="{ type: 'Product', prop: 'itemListElement' }">
<a href="#" v-schema="{ prop: 'url'}">
<img src="" v-schema="{ prop: 'image' }" />
<h2 v-schema="{ prop: 'name' }">Product name</h2>
<h4 v-schema="{ prop: 'category' }">Product category</h4>
<div v-schema:scope="{ type: 'Offer', prop: 'offers' }">
<span v-schema="{ prop: 'priceCurrency', content: 'USD' }">$</span>
<span v-schema="{ prop: 'price' }">129.80</span>
<div v-schema:scope> ... </div>
<!-- or -->
<div v-schema="{ scope: true }"> ... </div>
<div v-schema:scope="{ type: 'Movie' }"> ... </div>
Types will be prefixed with "" by default. You can change this URL with the schemaUrl
property in the plugin settings.
<img v-schema="{ prop: 'image' }" />
<!-- with additional tags -->
<span v-schema="{ prop: 'priceCurrency', content: 'USD' }">$</span>