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Installation on Unix

jeann sebold edited this page Sep 30, 2024 · 25 revisions

This guide should work on most/all Unix systems

ℹ️ Every change made to TazUO is automatically built on Mac, Ubuntu and Windows. See here

For Mac OS, courtesy of Pretzl

Download and install Mono 6.12 from Additional information can be found here.

Clone TazUO:
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
git clone --recursive

cd TazUO/

nuget restore

dotnet build -c Release

DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=./bin/Release/osx/ mono ./bin/Release/ClassicUO.exe

This will create an empty settings.json file to edit with your uo and server info.

This guide was done using Ubuntu, you may need to change a few commands depending on your OS

Build from source

sudo apt install git <-- Install git

mkdir TazUO && cd TazUO <-- Create and enter TazUO folder

For the next step you may have issues if you don't run this first: git config --global url.https://.insteadOf git://, but you can try without it if you'd like.

git clone . --recursive <-- Clone TazUO into current folder

sudo apt install dotnet-sdk-8.0 <-- Install dotnet

sudo apt install zlib1g-dev <-- Install Zlib

dotnet publish src/ClassicUO.Client/ClassicUO.Client.csproj -c Release -o ../../bin/dist

Download prebuilt

Download the Linux zip from the autobuild releases.

Extract wherever you'd like.

Open a terminal in that folder.

sudo apt install mono-devel

Now we need to copy included dependency libraries to your installs location:

From Source From Prebuilt release
sudo cp -a ./bin/Release/lib64/. ./bin/Release/ sudo cp -a ./lib64/. ./

If you built yourself:
cd ./bin/Release

Now TazUO is ready to go, start it via:
mono ./ClassicUO.exe |

Error about libsdl? -> sudo apt install libsdl2-2.0-0

Clone this wiki locally