CMSSW_13_0_10 is recommended CMSSW for RUN3 NANOAODv12
source /cvmfs/
cmsrel CMSSW_13_0_10
cd CMSSW_13_0_10/src
git clone
scram b -j 8
Recommendation available:
make sure you use the correct ${GT} and ${ERA} defined in corresponding NanoAOD version
Private MC NANOAOD Production NANO -s NANO --mc --conditions ${GT} --era ${ERA} --eventcontent NANOAODSIM --datatier NANOAODSIM --customise_commands="process.add_(cms.Service('InitRootHandlers', EnableIMT = cms.untracked.bool(False)));process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery=1000" -n -1 --no_exec
Private DATA NANOAOD Production NANO -s NANO --data --conditions ${GT} --era ${ERA} --eventcontent NANOAOD --datatier NANOAOD --customise_commands="process.add_(cms.Service('InitRootHandlers', EnableIMT = cms.untracked.bool(False)));process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery=1000" -n -1 --no_exec
Inside Producer/python directory, there are python files for different objects that can be used to add variables that you need. You can define pretty much any variables using any objects defined in DataFormats. This should cover more than enough. I am still figuring out on how to implement purely calculated variables that user wants to use.
Once you have modified the python file to add variables that you want, you need to add that to --customise_commands so it is implemented in cmsRun code NANO -s NANO --mc --conditions ${GT} --era ${ERA} --eventcontent NANOAODSIM --datatier NANOAODSIM --customise_commands="process.add_(cms.Service('InitRootHandlers', EnableIMT = cms.untracked.bool(False)));process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery=1000\n from import *; process = Prep##Object##CustomNanoAOD(process)" -n -1 --no_exec
For Crab Submission, there is a template crab file in crab directory.
IMPORTANT: If you run on CRAB, it is important to add fakeNameForCrab = cms.untracked.bool(True)
to the configuration of the NanoAODOutputModule in the CMSSW cfg file (and to run a single instance of it - this should normally be the case).