Seed-based Weakly Supervised Named Entity Recognition
final report link:
presentation link:
This section is necessary whether you want to do a train/test on model directly or do everything from start !
The prerequisites are listed below. You can utilize pyenv
to update local python environment.
More detailed explainations are further down. Here is a quick summary to run the model:
- Install
following the steps intf_ner/
- Enter the datafile directory (in our case,
cd tf_ner/data/testdata1
). Then runmake download-glove
to will get the vector file. - Our existing dataset is already in testdata1. This can be changed if desired, but if you just want to test the existing dataset, just directly run
make build
.- If a specific dataset is desired, optional inputs are availabl. Datasets
are run by default. First build the vocab withpython --test {testa} --train {train}
- The current main function of the model utilizes a set format to train and test the files.
- Training the model: select the tag file and rename it: train.tags.txt, and name the text file: train.words.txt
- Testing files: same vein as training, but use testa.tags.txt / testa.words.txt and testb.tags.txt / testb.words.txt
- If a specific dataset is desired, optional inputs are availabl. Datasets
- The current implementation only uses lstf_crf_ema model, for more models check out
- Go to the
folder and runpython
(This will train the bi-lstm + crf on the dataset).- If vocab was built on a specific test set and not default, use the same commands above
python --test {testa} --train {train}
to run.
- If vocab was built on a specific test set and not default, use the same commands above
- This will generate a results folder that will include the score inside and have the predictions for each train/test dataset.
- To get recall,precision and f1 score, run
../conlleval < results/score/{name}.tags.preds.txt > results/score/score.{name}.metrics.txt
- To generate a predicted tags file from an input, go to
and change theINPUT_FILE
. Updated to directly read in a text file and return anoutput_tags.txt
In tf_ner/data/testdata1
, there are already files that fit the input format of our model. Some of them are annotated using human annotation and some of them are based on entity set expansion. Here are the detail explanations of each file:
: the tagged training set on CoNLL using BERT
: the tagged training set on CoNLL using spaCy
: The training sentences of CoNLL
: the original training tag of CoNLL.
To train with the entity set expansion result, use train_BERT_expand_tag_CoNLL.txt
OR train_Spacy_expand_tag_CoNLL.txt
with annotated_train_sentences_CoNLL.txt
. To train with original sentence, use annotated_train_sentences_CoNLL.txt
with annotated_train_tags_CoNLL.txt
To test the training model on CoNLL data, use annotated_test_sentences_CoNLL.txt
with annotated_test_tags_CoNLL.txt
as test inputs.
To train with the entity set expansion result, use train_twitter_g_sentences.txt
with train_twitter_g_tags.txt
. To train with original sentences, use annotated_train_sentences_twitter_g.txt
with annotated_train_tags.txt_twitter_g.txt
To test the training model on test set of section g, use annotated_test_tags.txt_twitter_g.txt
and annotated_test_sentences_twitter_g.txt
as test inputs.
To train the model on expanded entity set of plain twitter data only, please uncompress 0322_sentences_
and get train_twitter_sentences_0322.txt
and train_twitter_tags_0322.txt
THEN, run
cat train_sentences.txt train_twitter_sentences_0322.txt > train_sentences_new.txt && cat train_broad_tag_by_entity.txt train_twitter_tags_0322.txt > train_tags_new.txt
to generate new sentences file train_sentences_new.txt
and tag file train_tags_new.txt
for training.
To test the training model on test set, use test_tags.txt
and test_sentences.txt
as test inputs.
We put a example zip file (
) in the repository. This is the compressed result from one of our text file (2020-03-22_clean-hydrated.txt
) as a example. We used AutoPhrase to mine the phrases from 7 text files like this. Due to the GitHub size restrictions, we can't upload everything related to AutoPhrase to make it run. However, the process of running AutoPhrase is as follows:
(Under folder AutoPhrase
put your text file into
(in this case would be2020-03-22_clean-hydrated.txt
) -
find your result in
, notice that theAutophrase.txt
is the file we need (this file includes salient phrases). -
Do a parsing to remove the scores in each line, and remove all phrases with 3 or more words.
NOTE: because AutoPhrase requires many other tools related so we can't upload a whole repository of AutoPhrase files in here If you want to run AutoPhrase with full experience, please pull its original repo and replace with the one shown in our repository.
We renamed those generated AutoPhrase.txt
, and put them in a folder autophrase_result
. This is the result from doing step 1 to 3. We also include a parsing file to do step 4 in the same folder (autophrase_result/
We put all the phrases generated by AutoPhrase mining the Twitter texts into the folder phrase_list
. Each file inside the folder is named after the date of the original full twitter text file (i.e. 0322 stands for tweets recorded on 03/22/2020)
We use CoNLL 2003 data as a small trial on using Spacy or BERT. The folder conll_2003
contains train/test/validation split and the python code for parsing the training/testing data to the format accepted by Bi-LSTM-CRF.
retains the original tag of the input data and parse it to 2 files, one for sentence and one for tag. As these 2 files are required for Bi-LSTM model.
does the tagging based on the expanded entity set. This should be only used for CoNLL training set to cover the original tags.
After the comparison between Bert and SpaCy, we decided to choose the word embeddings provided by spaCy for the following work. Folder expansion
contains the python codes for entity expansion using spaCy word embeddings. For SpaCy expansion, please install spacy package and download en_core_web_lg model by running pip install spacy
, python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
Before running the script, you can modify the
variables at the top of the script according to your own needs, or follow the default settings used by us. -
This is the python script for the final entity set expansion based on both the human-annotated Broad Twitter Corpus and plain twitter data. The core dictionary is generated by combining the phrases in Broad Twitter Corpus which are annotated as LOC and the basic phrases in GeoName dictionary (specified by
). Since the location phrases in 'Broad' is not clean, we need to process the raw data (specified byraw_data_path
) and output the processed file specified byprocess_data_path
. The output file containing the combined core dictionary is specified bydict_core_path
, and the final expanded dictionary is specified bycandidate_path
. -
The phrase lists used to expand the dictionary here are fixed in the code, they are plain text files in
. The existing output file is./data/expanded_candidate.txt
Before running the script, you can modify the
variables at the top of the script according to your own needs. -
This is a more general python script that generates candidate phrases and add them to a specified core dictionary (specified by
) based on the phrase list generated by AutoPhrase (specified byphrase_lists_path
). The output file containing the expanded dictionary is specified bycandidate_path
. -
Dictionary expanded based on CoNLL 2003 dataset (
) or section g of Broad Twitter Corpus (./data/SPACY_cand_g_twitter.txt
) can be generated through this script.
We only used Bert embeddings on CoNLL 2003 dataset in the small trial. If you want to test the BERT embedding, please install transformers package by runing pip install transformers
does similar job as
besides using Bert embeddings rather than spaCy. Similarly, phrase_lists_path
, dict_path
, candidate_path
variables at the top of the script can be modified.
Dictionary expanded based on CoNLL 2003 dataset (./data/BERT_cand_conll.txt
) can be generated through this script.
With the expanded dictionary in hand, we just need to tag the sentences based on it and generate the training data. Folder expansion
also contains the python codes for tagging with expanded dictionary.
: use expanded dictionary./data/expanded_candidate.txt
to tag the training part of Broad Twitter Corpus, output tag file istrain_broad_tag_by_entity.txt
: use expanded dictionary./data/expanded_candidate.txt
to tag the 0322 plain twitter texts, output tag file istrain_twitter_tags_0322.txt
, output sentence file istrain_twitter_sentences_0322.txt
: use expanded dictionary./data/SPACY_cand_conll.txt
to tag the training part of CoNLL 2003 dataset, output tag file istrain_conll_spacy_tags.txt
, output sentence file istrain_conll_spacy_sentences.txt
: use expanded dictionary./data/SPACY_cand_g_twitter.txt
to tag the training part of Broad Twitter Corpus, output tag file istrain_twitter_g_tags.txt
, output sentence file istrain_twitter_g_sentences.txt
All the codes related to model training are under the tf_ner
Rename the training and testing files prepared in the previous step to
then put then into a folder undertf_ner/data
. -
Train the model with the following commands:
cd tf_ner/models/lstm_crf_ema/ python --test {test_name} --train {train_name}
is not specified, the program will look for default files with name{train}
This will generate a
folder that will include thescore
folder inside with the predictions for each train/test dataset.
To get recall, precision and f1 score, run
../conlleval < results/score/{name}.tags.preds.txt > results/score/score.{name}.metrics.txt
This generates all the metrics in the
To generate a predicted tags file from an input, go to and change the INPUT_FILE. Updated to directly read in a text file and return an
Here are some of our experiments results:
Model | Precision | Recall | F1 |
BERT | 0.32 | 0.862 | 0.4753 |
SpaCy Word2vec | 0.4728 | 0.8653 | 0.6115 |
Results of K-means Clustering on spaCy embeddings:
Related codes can be found in expansion/Clustering.ipynb
. The yellow points are expanded phrases which also appears in the core dictionary.
Model | Human Effort | Precision | Recall | F1 |
Bi-LSTM | annotated | 0.7645 | 0.5027 | 0.6066 |
Dictionary matching | none | 0.7747 | 0.3832 | 0.5127 |
Bi-LSTM + entity set expansion | none | 0.7213 | 0.4783 | 0.5752 |
Model | Human Effort | Precision | Recall | F1 |
Bi-LSTM | annotated | 0.7232 | 0.788 | 0.7542 |
Bi-LSTM + entity set expansion | none | 0.3636 | 0.4946 | 0.4191 |
Genthial, G. (2018). tf_ner. GitHub repository. Retrieved from
Shang, J. (2016). AutoPhrase. GitHub repository. Retrieved from
GateNLP. (2018). broad_twitter_corpus. GitHub repository. Retrieved from
If you would like to see the human annotated locations in braod training set, check out locations_from_train.txt