v2024.3.26 - Allow destructuring-assignment after function-definition.
- ci - Add shell-functions shGitPullrequestCleanup(), shGitPullrequest() to automatically cleanup or create-and-push github-pull-commit to origin/alpha.
- jslint - Allow destructuring-assignment after function-definition.
- ci - Replace npm-package used to auto-build vscode-plugin, vsce to @vscode/vsce.
- test - Update test-function jstestDescribe() to wait awhile for imports to initialize before running tests.
- ci - Fix tmpdir in shell-function shBrowserScreenshot().
- vim - Allow installing vim-plugin to any directory, instead of hardcoded to ~/.vim/.
- ci - Update github-ci for actions/cache, actions/setup-python from nodejs v16 to nodejs v20.
- ci - Update shell-function shRollupFetch() to fix blank date-committed.
- ci - bugfix - Fix google-chrome unable to create screenshot because user-data-dir is /dev/null.
What's Changed
- Branch vim windows install by @kaizhu256 in #456
- test - Update test-function jstestDescribe() to wait awhile for imports to initialize before running tests. by @kaizhu256 in #457
- Branch destructure after function by @kaizhu256 in #459
- ci - Add shell-functions shGitPullrequestCleanup(), shGitPullrequest() to automatically cleanup or create-and-push github-pull-commit to origin/alpha. by @kaizhu256 in #460
v2024.3.26 by @kaizhu256 in #461
Full Changelog: v2023.10.24...v2024.3.26