- python 3.x
- venv
- pip
After establishing a venv - install packages
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Create required directories and init sqlite db inside this directory
$ mkdir data logs data/loaded data/failed specs
$ touch clover.db
Run tests:
$ python run.py test
Run coverage:
$ coverage run --source file_loader/ run.py test
$ coverage report -m
Running the parser: Data files to be parsed must go into the ./data directory (according to config.py). In order for the parser to work on a given data file a spec files must exist in the ./specs dir
# run on a single file to a sqlite backend
$ python run.py load -f testfile_2018-01-01 -b sqlite
# run on all the files in the data directory (dir specified in config.py)
$ python run.py load -a -b sqlite