It can trigger alerts of the last vulnerabilities found in agents, it can create a CSV file with the vulnerabilities of one or all agents. It can also display vulnerabilities in the chosen format on the screen.
- Now it can export data into CSV format.
- Fixed error "too many requests per minute" issue.
- Added a delay to avoid overloading the API (by default is 0.3 secs per agent).
- Fixed issue with agents' names. ips and ids.
- Fixed issues exporting to CSV files.
DEFAULT ACTION now is PRINT, it needs -w yes
parameter to write the output! (CSV file or alerts in Indexer/Elastic).
Use cases:
// Shows all the vulnes of all agents on screen in JSON -w yes
// Uploads vulnes from all agents to -a 002 -w yes
// Uploads vulnes of agent 002 to -a 002 -c yes
// Shows vulnes of agent 002 in CSV -c agents.csv -w yes
// Saves vulnes of all agents into the file "agents.csv" with CSV format.
# -h
usage: [-h] [-m MANAGER] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [-port PORT] [-a AGENT] [-w WRITE] [-c CSV] [--debug]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MANAGER, --manager MANAGER
*Wazuh API IP or DNS name.(def. "").
-u USER, --user USER *Wazuh API user (def. "wazuh-wui").
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
*Wazuh API user password (def. "wazuh-wui").
-port PORT, --port PORT
*Wazuh API port (def. 55000).
-a AGENT, --agent AGENT
Specifies an AgentID (optional).
-w WRITE, --write WRITE
WARNING! WRITES data to a CSV file or Elastic(analysisd - optional).
-c CSV, --csv CSV Change format to CSV and indicates a filename. Uses '|' as a separator by default.
--debug Enable debug mode logging.
It gets the reported packages of one or all agents to Wazuh in a JSON format. -h
usage: [-h] [-m MANAGER] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [-port PORT] [-a AGENT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help shows this help message and exit
-m MANAGER, --manager MANAGER
Wazuh API server IP or DNS name.
-u USER, --user USER Wazuh API user.
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Wazuh API user password.
-port PORT, --port PORT
Wazuh API port.
-a AGENT, --agent AGENT
Only checks packages for a specific agent.