Google's Material Icons as SVG files. When only using a few icons, much more efficient to use the svg files. react-native-vector-icons did not have the fonts I needed. This also enables me to have a smaller application when I only need a handfull of icons (due to tree shaking).
import { SvgHome, SvgHomeOutlined, SvgHomeRound, SvgHomeSharp, SvgHomeTwotone } from 'react-native-material-icons';
const Example = () => (
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', backgroundColor: 'black' }}>
<SvgHome size={48} color="#ff0000" />
<SvgHomeOutlined size={48} color="#ffff00" />
<SvgHomeRound size={48} color="#00ff00" />
<SvgHomeSharp size={48} color="#0000ff" />
<SvgHomeTwotone size={48} color="#ff00ff" />
yarn add react-native-material-icons react-native-svg
Search Google's Material Icons
Search Google's Material Icons list to see available svg files.
Names are mapped from google's website. The names map from snake case to PascalCase. All Icons are prefixed with Svg
becomes<SvgAddChart />
becomes<SvgCalendarMonth />
becomes<Svg123 />
: light='#000000', dark='#ffffff'Color of icon in
format. The default is based on Appearance.getColorScheme(). -
: Default is 24.Width and height of icon.
: Default = 1This prop specifies the opacity of the color or the content the current object is filled with.