Implements a workflow to go from raw mass spec files -> prepare parameters -> prepare fasta -> run search -> rescore -> filter -> generate spectral libs -> post-process -> de-duplicate.
- raw mass spec files from pride
- prepare parameters ... manually
- run search uisng comet
- rescore using mokapot
- filter using pandas
- generate spectral libs using bibliospec
- post-process using pandas
- de-duplicate using ms2ml
- encode using ms2ml
This bundle of snakemake rules has exploded to a point beyond maintainability but it still works. There is a lot of orphan code sections and the code is not pretty.
In the near future I will translate this to nextflow and make it more modular.
Nonthelees, here go some instructions on how to use it.
The main environment where I am running this is a SLURM cluster from purdue, so the main way to run it is calling it as ....
bash RUN.bash bibliospec_stuff scan_metadata parquet_files
To display the graph
$ snakemake --config tsv_file=target_files/train_all.tsv -s workflow.smk parquet_files --dag --dry-run | dot -Tpng > full_dag.png
Right now it outputs the tables from a bibliospec library as parquet files, which need to be post-processed to make it trainable.
Disk usage:
- Raw Files
- 2.7T
- mzML files
- 1.2T
- comet outputs
- 274G
- mokapot outputs
- 27G
- redundant bibliospec outputs
- 50G
- parquet files
- 33G
- Processed Parquet files
- 1GB
If you can use docker ... use it.
Locally build an image ... (in your laptop ...)
singularity build --sandbox pwiz_sandbox docker://chambm/pwiz-skyline-i-agree-to-the-vendor-licenses
singularity exec -w pwiz_sandbox wine SkylineCmd.exe # Check that it works ...
tar --create --file pwiz_sandbox.tar pwiz_sandbox
scp -r pwiz_sandbox.tar {REMOTE_USER}@{REMOTE_SERVER}:${REMOTE_LOCATION}. # Copy to the cluster
In our cluster we have space in a scratch dir.. in my case
So i transfer it as such:
scp -r pwiz_sandbox.tar jpaezpae@
Then I log into the cluster ... and from there ...
cd /scratch/brown/jpaezpae/pwiz_sandbox
tar -xf pwiz_sandbox.tar # Extract the image
vim pwiz_sandbox/usr/bin/mywine
And I make sure it looks like this ....
if [ ! -L "$MYWINEPREFIX"/dosdevices/z: ] ; then
mkdir -p "$MYWINEPREFIX"/dosdevices
ln -sf "$GLOBALWINEPREFIX/drive_c" "$MYWINEPREFIX/dosdevices/c:"
ln -sf "/" "$MYWINEPREFIX/dosdevices/z:"
echo disable > $MYWINEPREFIX/.update-timestamp # this line prevents auto update
echo disable > $GLOBALWINEPREFIX/.update-timestamp
wine "$@"
Once it looks like that, I need to create a directory for the wine prefix ...
mkdir -p /scratch/brown/jpaezpae/pwiz_sandbox/pwiz_sandbox/mywineprefix
AND FINALLY we can run it as such ....
singularity exec \
-B ${real_parent}/:/data \
-B `mktemp -d /dev/shm/wineXXX`:/mywineprefix \
-w /scratch/brown/jpaezpae/pwiz_sandbox/pwiz_sandbox \
mywine msconvert \
--zlib --64 \
--filter "peakPicking true 1-" \
--filter "activation HCD" \
--filter "analyzer FT" \
-o /data/ --verbose \
"/data/$(basename $real_path)"