The Gowalla API is really simple to use but I wanted some syntactic sugar because typing is lame.
gowalla = new Gowalla(API_KEY, YOUR_SECRET, (optional: username), (optional: password));
The username and password are optional. You can get a lot out of the API without it.
Gowalla uses a REST api and nests tons of their request, i.e. /users/id/pins, /spots/id/events etc This lib lets you mimic that. Example:
user = gowalla.user("jspies", callback);
You can even chain it:
In the chain above, no request is even made on the call to user() because there's no callback. However, you can callback:
gowalla.user("jspies", callback).stamps(callback);
You can search the spots you pull back from a lat/lng
gowalla.spots(30.2697, -97.7494, 5).search("Torchy");
You can setup events on spots to tell you when someone checks in there. Or items to see when they move, "April 2, 2010", function(checkin) {
console.log(checkin.user.first_name+" is admiring the Mystery Gorilla");
});; // when you tire of the Gorilla
Here's an example using Express, a node.js framework,
app.get("/gowalla", function(req, res) {
app.get("/gowalla/auth", function(req, res) {
var code = req.query.code;
gowalla.get_access_token(code, "http://my-website-of.awesome/gowalla/auth", function(error, access_token, refresh_token) {
if (error) {
res.send("Error: "+ error);
} else {
// you should save the access_token and refresh_token in your db if you want to make future requests
And now checkin{
lat: 38.9085106333,
lng: -77.21468345,
comment: "I love checking in",
post_to_twitter: true,
post_to_facebook: false
}, function(msg) {
if (msg.error) {
if (msg.error == "authorization_expired") {
// need to refresh
} else {
}, test? put true here for testing);
var Gowalla = require('./gowalla');
var gowalla = new Gowalla("YOUR APIKEY", "YOUR SECRET");
gowalla.user("jspies").stamps(function(data) {
var num_stamps = data.stamps.length;
for(var i=0;i<num_stamps;i++) {
Chain Gang Support
OAuth2 Client
Check-in over API
Update: Nothing is next, because Gowalla died like 2 years ago.