App to get the compounding erc20 token list
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Run application:
node index.js
- Request
[GET] localhost:3001
Server Name | Address |
Moralis Server | |
Ethereum Mainnet Provider | |
100 Top Wallet Address | |
- sortTransactionList
// Get the transactions history according the token address
const sortTransactionList = (data) => {
var result = [];
var flag = [];
return result;
- getTokenTransfers
// Get the token transactions according to the wallet address
const getTokenTransfers = async (address) => {
// get mainnet transfers for the current user
const options = { chain: "eth", address: address, from_block: "0" };
const transfers = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenTransfers(options);
const transactionList = sortTransactionList(transfers.result);
return transactionList;
- getBalance
// Get the current balance according to the wallet address and token address
const getBalance = async (walletAddress, tokenAddress) => {
const contract = new Web3Client.eth.Contract(minABI, tokenAddress);
let balance;
await contract.methods.balanceOf(walletAddress).call().then( (res) => {
balance = res;
}).catch((err) =>{
balance = 0;
return balance;
// This function is called when user send the request to get the compounding token list
const getCompoundingToken = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
async function main() {
try {
} catch (error) {
return resolve({ success : false })
// Get the wallet address from the responsive come from the ethereum api
const extractLinks = $ => [ Set(
$('tbody tr td a') // Select pagination links
.map((_, a) => $(a).text()) // Extract the href (url) from each link
.toArray() // Convert cheerio object to array
Just run Application and you can get the compounding erc20 token list
"coinAddress": 0xda5b4a6a33860fc7aeac9251b1711eede62027ec",
"walletAddress": "0x0a9e283a9c6f006501f6a365fbceb4a1105dfb7a",
"blocks": [
"blockNumber": "12587701",
"balance": "6000000"
"blockNumber": "12703784",
"balance": "50000000"