Bootcamp Project 1
This app is designed to allow the user to search for recipes in two ways, using keywords and intolerances, or by using a list of ingredients already owned. The user can also save favorite recipes for later use! Some other cool features include: a recipe of the day, a joke of the day and dark mode. Here are some of the features:
We used two database API's for searching and displaying recipes. These include: The only food API you'll ever need. A free meal/recipe database.
For styling, we used the following CSS API:
A modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design
We also used two library API's to add functionality to our JS coding: a compact javascript framework a fast, small and feature rich JavaScript Library
As people who are alive and like to stay alive- food is necessary to this goal. However, some people have allergies or sensativities to some types of food and that is no bueno! So we created this app to help people figure out how to cook food, buy food and avoid foods they may be alergic or sensitive to.