Surface-based fractional sediment transport formula based on dynamic shear stress partitioning framework.
Download the .zip of the repository from the latest release. Navigate to the scripts
folder, open a shell
terminal, and run the script. This will set up a virtual environment with all of the necessary
Python packages.
Navigate to the Input_data
folder, where three csv files are located.
- Enter grain size measurements (in mm) from the reach of interest into the 'grain_size.csv' file.
- Enter hydraulic measurements into the 'hydraulic_geometry.csv' file. You should have three more paired measurements of discharge (cms), channel width (m), and average depth (m).
- Enter the discharge (cms) record for which you want to calculate sediment transport in the 'discharge.csv' file.
The simplest way to run the model is via command line. Open a command line terminal in the model folder and activate the python environment. (These instructions apply to UNIX systems, Windows still to come).
source .venv/bin/activate
Then change directories into the dsp_transport
folder, where the python scripts are located.
cd dsp_transport
and run the model using the usage below. '' calculates fractional transport, storing results in a .csv
file in the Outputs
folder. '' produces some plots of the outputs and stores them in the same output
folder. '' either uses existing pebble count data to generate a grain size distribution, or generates
a new distribution by providing D16, D50, and D84 values.
usage: [-h] [--minimum_fraction MINIMUM_FRACTION]
[--lwd_factor LWD_FACTOR]
stream_id reach_slope discharge_interval
positional arguments:
stream_id The name of the stream as entered in the Input_data
csv files
reach_slope A value for the reach averaged slope
discharge_interval The time (in seconds) between each discharge
measurement in the discharge csv file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--minimum_fraction MINIMUM_FRACTION
(optional) A minimum fraction to assign to fine grain
size classes
--lwd_factor LWD_FACTOR
Alters the critical shields stress to account for the
affects of large wood, None is no wood present, 1 is
some scattered pieces, 2 is wood throughout the reach
and 3 is jams present
usage: [-h] stream_id
positional arguments:
stream_id The name of the stream as entered in the Input_data csv files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: [-h] [--csv_in CSV_IN] [--d50 D50] [--d16 D16]
[--d84 D84]
positional arguments:
csv_out Path to save the output csv of generated grain size data
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--csv_in CSV_IN Path to a csv file containing grain size data; used to
estimate distribution parameters and find D50, D16, and D84
if not provided.If no input csv is entered, values MUST be
provided for D50, D16, and D84The csv should have a column
with header "D" containing grain size countsin millimeters
--d50 D50 A value for D50 (mm). If no input csv is entered, a value
for D50 must be provided. If an input csv IS entered, the
calculated D50 can be overridden by providing a value here
--d16 D16 A value for D16 (mm). If no input csv is entered, a value
for D16 must be provided. If an input csv IS entered, the
calculated D16 can be overridden by providing a value here
--d84 D84 A value for D84 (mm). If no input csv is entered, a value
for D84 must be provided. If an input csv IS entered, the
calculated D84 can be overridden by providing a value here
for example, if I entered data for 'Beaver_Creek' in the input tables, it's slope is 0.015 and the interval for discharge measurements is 15 minutes, I would enter:
python 'Beaver_Creek' 0.015 900
In addition to the self-contained program, the
script is designed to be imported by other
programs in order to use the transport function in other applications.
usage: [-h] fractions slope discharge depth width interval
positional arguments:
fractions A python dictionary {size: fraction in bed} with all size classes and thefraction of the bed they make up e.g. {0.004: 0.023, 0.008: 0.041}
slope The reach slope
discharge The flow discharge in m3/s
depth The average flow depth at the given discharge
width The average flow width at the given discharge
interval The length of time in seconds of the discharge measurement
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit