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Nordic Thingy:52 for Web Bluetooth

About Thingy:52

The Nordic Thingy:52™ is a compact, power-optimized, multi-sensor development kit. It is an easy-to-use development platform, designed to help you build IoT prototypes and demos, without the need to build hardware or write firmware. Read more about it here.

This repository

This repository is an attempt to make it easier to start developing applications for Thingy:52 using Web Bluetooth. Web Bluetooth is a JavaScript API that makes it possible to communicate with Bluetooth Low Energy devices in web browsers. The implementation status for different browsers and platforms can be seen here.

This is work in progress, and for now this repository will help you connect to a Thingy:52 and access all services and characteristics except sound and DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade):

  • Configuration

    • Name
    • Advertising parameters
    • Connection parameters
    • Eddystone URL
    • Cloud token
    • Firmware version
    • MTU request
  • Environment

    • Configuration of sensors
    • Temperature
    • Pressure
    • Humidity
    • Gas sensor
    • Color sensor
  • User interface

    • RGB LED
    • Button
    • External pins
  • Motion

    • Configuration
    • Tap sensing
    • Step counter
    • Orientation
    • Quaternions
    • Euler angles
    • Rotation matrix
    • Heading
    • Gravity vector
    • Raw data
  • Battery status

Get started

  • Clone or download this repository, or just copy js/thingy.js into your own project.
  • If you've used this repository, you can open index.html in a supported browser and open the console (ctrl + shift + J or cmd + alt + J).
  • Turn on your Thingy:52.
  • Click the "Connect" button found in index.html.
  • You can now choose your Thingy:52 and connect to it.
  • In the console, you can see the browser connect to the device and discover its services.
  • When connected, the Thingy:52 will use the LED breathe feature and the LED will pulsate with RED light.
  • In the browser, it will also show the current temperature measured by the device in the HTML element below the connect button.


The following example will first connect to a thingy:52, then read its name and configure the RGB LED to "breathe" purple (color code 5, see here) pulses with 20% intensity and with 1500 ms delays between each pulse. It will also print the name of the device and the firmware version to the console.

import {Thingy} from "./js/thingy.js";

const thingy = new Thingy({logEnabled: true});

async function start(device) {
    try {
        await device.connect();
        await device.ledBreathe({color: 5, intensity: 20, delay: 1500});
        console.log(`Thingy name: ${await device.getName()}`);
        console.log(`Current firmware: ${await device.getFirmwareVersion()}`);
    } catch (error) {


Note: the Web Bluetooth API requires that a function trying to connect to a BLE device is initiated by a user action such as a mouse click.

API documentation

Documentation is also available in HTML format here.



  • options (optional, default {logEnabled:false})


Enables battery level notifications.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on battery level change. Will receive a battery level object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


Enables button notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when the button on the Thingy is pushed or released.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive a button object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise with button state when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection.


Enables color sensor notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when notifications are received.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive a color sensor object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


Configures color sensor LED calibration parameters.


  • red Number The red intensity, ranging from 0 to 255.
  • green Number The green intensity, ranging from 0 to 255.
  • blue Number The blue intensity, ranging from 0 to 255.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection.


Connects to Thingy. The function stores all discovered services and characteristics to the Thingy object.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns an empty promise when resolved or a promise with error on rejection


Method to disconnect from Thingy.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns an empty promise when resolved or a promise with error on rejection.


Enables Euler angle data notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when notifications are received.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive an Euler angle data object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


Gets the current external pin settings from the Thingy device. Returns an object with pin status information.

Returns Promise<(Object | Error)> Returns an external pin status object.


Enables gas notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when notifications are received.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive a gas object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


Gets the current advertising parameters

Returns Promise<(Object | Error)> Returns an object with the advertising parameters when resolved or a promise with error on rejection.


Gets the battery level of Thingy.

Returns Promise<(Object | Error)> Returns battery level in percentage when promise is resolved or an error if rejected.


Gets the configured cloud token.

Returns Promise<(string | Error)> Returns a string with the cloud token when resolved or a promise with error on rejection.


Gets the current connection parameters.

Returns Promise<(Object | Error)> Returns an object with the connection parameters when resolved or a promise with error on rejection.


Gets the configured Eddystone URL

Returns Promise<(URL | Error)> Returns a string with the URL when resolved or a promise with error on rejection.


Gets the current configuration of the Thingy environment module.

Returns Promise<(Object | Error)> Returns an environment configuration object when promise resolves, or an error if rejected.


Gets the current firmware version.

Returns Promise<(string | Error)> Returns a string with the firmware version or a promise with error on rejection.


Gets the current LED settings from the Thingy device. Returns an object with structure that depends on the settings.

Returns Promise<Object> Returns a LED status object. The content and structure depends on the current mode.


Gets the current configuration of the Thingy motion module.

Returns Promise<(Object | Error)> Returns a motion configuration object when promise resolves, or an error if rejected.


Gets the current Maximal Transmission Unit (MTU)

Returns Promise<(number | Error)> Returns the MTU when resolved or a promise with error on rejection.


Gets the name of the Thingy device.

Returns Promise<(string | Error)> Returns a string with the name when resolved or a promise with error on rejection.


Enables gravity vector notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when notifications are received.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive a heading object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


Enables heading notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when notifications are received.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive a heading object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


Enables humidity notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when notifications are received.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive a humidity object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


Sets the LED in "breathe" mode where the LED continuously pulses with the specified color, intensity and delay between pulses.


  • params Object Options object for LED breathe mode
    • params.color (number | string) The color code or color name. 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = yellow, 4 = blue, 5 = purple, 6 = cyan, 7 = white.
    • params.intensity number Intensity of LED pulses. Range from 0 to 100 [%].
    • params.delay number Delay between pulses in milliseconds. Range from 50 ms to 10 000 ms.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a resolved promise or an error in a rejected promise.


Sets the LED in constant mode with the specified RGB color.


  • color Object Color object with RGB values
    • number The value for red color in an RGB color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
    • number The value for green color in an RGB color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
    • number The value for blue color in an RGB color. Ranges from 0 to 255.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a resolved promise or an error in a rejected promise.


Sets the LED in one-shot mode. One-shot mode will result in one single pulse of the LED.


  • params Object Option object for LED in one-shot mode
    • params.color number The color code. 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = yellow, 4 = blue, 5 = purple, 6 = cyan, 7 = white.
    • params.intensity number Intensity of LED pulses. Range from 0 to 100 [%].

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a resolved promise or an error in a rejected promise.


Enables raw motion data notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when notifications are received.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive a raw motion data object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


Enables orientation detection notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when notifications are received.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive a orientation detection object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


Enables pressure notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when notifications are received.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive a pressure object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


Enables quaternion notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when notifications are received.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive a quaternion object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


Enables rotation matrix notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when notifications are received.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive an rotation matrix object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


Sets the advertising parameters


  • params Object Object with key/value pairs 'interval' and 'timeout': {interval: someInterval, timeout: someTimeout}.
    • params.interval number The advertising interval in milliseconds in the range of 20 ms to 5 000 ms.
    • params.timeout number The advertising timeout in seconds in the range 1 s to 180 s.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise.


Sets the cloud token.


  • token string The cloud token to be stored.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise.


Sets the color sensor update interval.


  • interval Number Color sensor sampling interval in milliseconds. Must be in the range 200 ms to 60 000 ms.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection.


Sets the connection interval


  • params Object Connection interval object: {minInterval: someValue, maxInterval: someValue}
    • params.minInterval number The minimum connection interval in milliseconds. Must be >= 7.5 ms.
    • params.maxInterval number The maximum connection interval in milliseconds. Must be <= 4 000 ms.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise.


Sets the connection slave latency


  • slaveLatency number The desired slave latency in the range from 0 to 499 connection intervals.

Returns Promise<Object> Returns a promise.


Sets the connection supervision timeout Note: According to the Bluetooth Low Energy specification, the supervision timeout in milliseconds must be greater than (1 + slaveLatency) _ maxConnInterval _ 2, where maxConnInterval is also given in milliseconds.


  • timeout number The desired connection supervision timeout in milliseconds and in the range of 100 ms to 32 000 ms.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise.


Sets the Eddystone URL It's recommeended to use URL shortener to stay within the limit of 14 characters long URL URL scheme prefix such as "https://" and "https://www." do not count towards that limit, neither does expansion codes such as ".com/" and ".org". Full details in the Eddystone URL specification:


  • urlString string The URL that should be broadcasted.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise.


Set an external pin to chosen state.


  • pin number Determines which pin is set. Range 1 - 4.
  • value number Sets the value of the pin. 0 = OFF, 255 = ON.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection.


Sets the gas sensor sampling interval.


  • interval Number The gas sensor update interval in seconds. Allowed values are 1, 10, and 60 seconds.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection.


Sets the humidity measurement update interval.


  • interval Number Humidity sensor interval in milliseconds. Must be in the range 100 ms to 60 000 ms.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection.


Sets the magnetometer compensation interval.


  • interval Number Magnetometer compensation interval in milliseconds. Must be in the range 100 ms to 1 000 ms.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection.


Sets motion processing unit update frequency.


  • frequency Number Motion processing frequency in Hz. The allowed range is 5 - 200 Hz.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection.


Sets the current Maximal Transmission Unit (MTU)


  • params Object MTU settings object: {mtuSize: value, peripheralRequest: value}, where peripheralRequest is optional. (optional, default {peripheralRequest:false})
    • params.mtuSize number The desired MTU size.
    • params.peripheralRequest boolean Optional. Set to true if peripheral should send an MTU exchange request. Default is false;

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise.


Sets the name of the Thingy device.


  • name string The name that will be given to the Thingy.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise.


Sets the pressure measurement update interval.


  • interval Number The pressure sensor update interval in milliseconds. Must be in the range 50 ms to 60 000 ms.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection.


Sets the step counter interval.


  • interval number Step counter interval in milliseconds. Must be in the range 100 ms to 5 000 ms.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection.


Sets the temperature compensation interval.


  • interval Number Temperature compensation interval in milliseconds. Must be in the range 100 ms to 5 000 ms.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection.


Sets the temperature measurement update interval.


  • interval Number Temperature sensor update interval in milliseconds. Must be in the range 100 ms to 60 000 ms.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection.


Sets wake-on-motion feature to enabled or disabled state.


  • enable boolean Set to True to enable or False to disable wake-on-motion feature.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection.


Enables step counter notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when notifications are received.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive a step counter object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


Enables tap detection notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when notifications are received.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive a tap detection object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


Enables temperature notifications from Thingy. The assigned event handler will be called when notifications are received.


  • eventHandler function The callback function that is triggered on notification. Will receive a temperature object as argument.
  • enable boolean Enables notifications if true or disables them if set to false.

Returns Promise<Error> Returns a promise when resolved or a promise with an error on rejection


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