Multi-platform Webmin container for balenaCloud
Deploy Webmin in a container so you can view and manage a balenaCloud device via a browswer dashboard. By adding bind9 to the packages to be installed, Webmin can run and administer a DNS server. Webmin and Bind data persists in the following volumes:
- /etc/webin
- /var/webin
- /etc/bind
- /var/named
Note that Bind is available in the Webmin dashboard, but is not initially running. On start (from the dashboard), port 53 is available for remote connections. Edit the webmin/named.conf.options file to edit the trusted subnet for DNS querying.
The Webmin root password is set as a variable in the .balena/balena.yml file. You should change it for production uses.
Clone this repository, change into the balena-webmin directory and push to your application:
$ git clone
$ cd balena-webmin
$ balena push <appname>