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Community contribution assignment

Joyce Robbins edited this page Aug 11, 2020 · 2 revisions

Community Contribution

This fairly open-ended assignment provides an opportunity to receive credit for contributing to the collective learning of the class, and perhaps beyond. It should reflect a minimum of 2-3 hours of work. To complete the assignment you must submit a short description of your contribution. If appropriate, attach relevant files.

There are many ways in which you can contribute:

  • give a well-rehearsed 5 minute lightning talk in class on a datavis topic (theory or tool) (email me to set the date -- it may be after the assignment due date but you need to schedule it before)
  • create a video tutorial (any length)
  • create a cheatsheet or other resource
  • be a Piazza super user (that is, answer a lot of questions)
  • write a tutorial for a tool that's not well documented
  • translate a useful resource into another language
  • build a viz product (ex. htmlwidget) for class use
  • create a web site for sharing class resources publicly
  • provide significant subject matter help to a classmate
  • organize and lead a help session on a particular topic (the date may be after the assignment due date but you need to schedule it before)
  • [your own idea]

You may draw on and expand existing resources. When doing so, it is critical that you cite your sources.



You may work on your own or with a partner of your choosing. If you work alone, you do not need to join a group of 1, you simply submit your work on CourseWorks as with any other solo assignment.

If you work with a partner, add yourselves to a group numbered 11 or higher on the Community Contribution tab on the People page. Piazza can be used to find partners with similar interests.

What about CC-1 through CC-10? These groups are reserved for special projects such as managing the repo of community contribution submissions, or working on the class hex sticker. As new ideas pop up, I will add to the list; more details on this option will be provided in class. If you sign up for one of these, please be in touch with me either after class or by email.

Submitting your assignment

You must submit your assignment twice: once on CourseWorks (so it can be graded) and once on GitHub (so your peers can see your work.)

  1. CourseWorks submission: submit your work as an .Rmd and rendered .html file, just as with problem sets. If your work does not lend itself to that format, then create a short .Rmd file that explains what you did, and includes links to any relevant files, such as slides, etc. which you can post on your GitHub repo (or anywhere else online.)

  2. GitHub submission: this is now a separate assignment: Community contribution GitHub submission

(Note on vs. the class bookdown repo: is specifically for material that is useful to students for completing problem sets for this course, while the class repo will be much wider in scope. For the sake of simplicity, please make all contributions to the class repo. Later on we can sort out whether some are also appropriate for