Appcelerator widget, take photo or select to gallery, generate a thumbnail and original image, work for iOS and Android by @m1ga
- successImage = When saved the original image.
- error = When an error ocurred trying save the original image.
- successThumbnail = When saved the thumbnail image.
- load:success = When load the image.
- load:error = When don't load the image.
- crop:error = Notify an error when crop the image.
- crop:cancel = Notify when user cancel the crop.
- applyProperties: set properties for takepicture widget and fab widget.
- setImage: set default image.
- onOpen: Initialize the widget.
- onClose: release the takepicture widget and fab widget.
- cleanup: release the takepicture widget.
- getImagePath: get the original image path.
- getThumbnailPath: get the thumbnail path.
Check the sample