Source code for, the most comprehensive directory of blockchain data providers on the internet.
All metadata on blockchain data providers is in /public/data/companies.json
, which contains 300+ providers and attributes, such as, website, Twitter, logo, type, category, description, products, chains, etc... To add a new provider or update an existing one, submit a pull request. Feel free to use this data, but please give this project credit.
Special thank you to the project sponsors:
- Gold: Bitquery, BlockJoy, Chainbase, Coinpaprika, DappLooker, Envio, Goldsky, Indexed, Indexing Co, Spice AI
- Silver: Derec, Playgrounds
- Bronze: ChainDensity, Syve
If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on GitHub. If you want to contribute to the code, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
Primo Data
- Twitter: @Primo_Data
- Email:
Licensed under the MIT license.