This is a submission for a Brazilian backend challenge. It involves the development of an API responsible for creating people, capable of handling requests with the following specifications:
Limited resources (1.5 cpu units, 3 GB RAM, allocated as you choose)
A preferred programming language
A choice of database (MongoDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL)
A load balancer and two API nodes
For more details, please visit:
docker compose up
cd stress-test/
- Java 17 + Reactive Quarkus ( 2x 0.5 / 700M )
- Postgres ( 0.35 / 1150M )
- Nginx ( 0.1 / 400M )
- Redis ( 0.05 / 50M )
- 46576 Inserts
- 99pth pct: 26393ms
- execution time: 237s
- Total OK requests: 114991