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A ruby gem that kick-starts the development of a SCSS Framework based on your choice of CSS kit.


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The Flying Dutchman Gem Version

The Flying Dutchman helps users jump-start their Ruby on Rails projects by installing a basic SCSS framework that is made to be extended. Simply choose your basecoat and start customizing.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


For this gem we are assuming that you have a Ruby on Rails project that is Rails >= 3.1 and your file structure contains the following files/folders at a minimum.

|-- app
|   |-- assets
|   |   |-- javascripts
|   |   |   `-- application.js
|   |   `-- stylesheets
|   |       `-- application.css(or .scss)
`-- vendor
	`-- assets
	    |-- javascripts
	    `-- stylesheets

Finally, since this is a SASS-based setup your app must also require

gem 'sass-rails'


Here are the steps to jumpstart you.

In your Gemfile, add this line:

gem 'flying_dutchman'

Run bundle install from your app directory:

bundle install

Now the Dutchman is installed, but not set up.

Choose a Captain & Set Up Your Dutchman

"The Dutchman must always have a captain" - Davy Jones

Select a captain, or base-coat framework, that you will start with and customize / extend the functionality out from there.

Options for Captain are:


This is the most minimal of the setup options. This simply loads the normalize.css project into you app to set you on the right track for customization. Use this option if you fully intend to build everything yourself and need no framework or base-coat of any kind. Currently using v4.0.0.

Normalize Docs

Credit for Normalize goes to Nicolas Gallagher (@necolas)

To install with Normalize, run:

rails generate dutchman:install --captain=normalize


This option is for users who need some framework such as a basic grid, typography and some components. This framework is made to be extremely lightweight and no frills. Use this if you have a small project that doesn't need much or you want to do most of the work yourself. Currently using v2.0.4.

Skeleton Docs

Credit for Skeleton goes to Dave Gamache (@dhg)

To install with Skeleton, run:

rails generate dutchman:install --captain=skeleton


Installing with Bootstrap gives users a completely full featured front-end framework ready for customization or extending. Use this if you have a large project that needs lots of classes and components. Currently using v4.0.0-alpha3.

Bootstrap Docs

Credit for Bootstrap goes to Mark Otto (@mdo), Jacob Thornton (@fat), and the Bootstrap Core Team

To install with Bootstrap, run:

rails generate dutchman:install --captain=bootstrap

Note: Running the dutchman:install command multiple times can result in unwanted effects. Try to avoid doing this.




We welcome commits that would improve or fix the project. Thank you in advance!


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details

This project includes multiple complete projects, whose individual licenses are listed here: Normalize License Skeleton License Bootstrap License


Why Flying Dutchman

  1. Because the Pirates Of The Caribbean movies are the best. Evidence
  2. Because The Dutchman is just the ship you need to give a ride to 'Bootstrap' Bill and a bunch of Skeletons who wish they could Normalize themselves.


A ruby gem that kick-starts the development of a SCSS Framework based on your choice of CSS kit.







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