Send selected MEL/Python code snippets or whole files to Maya via commandPort
clone this repo into the
SublimeText2 -> Preference -> Browse Packages
git clone git://
Edit the
file, setting the port to match the commandPorts you have configured in Maya -
Optionally edit the keymap file to change the default hotkey from
to something else.
To send a snippet, simply select some code in a mel or python script, and hit ctrl+return
, or right click and choose "Send To Maya".
A socket conncetion will be made to a running Maya instance on the configured port matching mel or python, and the code will be
run in Maya's environment.
As an example, if you want to open a commandPort on port 7002 for python (the default port in the config), you can do the following:
# if it was already open under another configuration
cmds.commandPort(name=":7002", close=True)
# now open a new port
cmds.commandPort(name=":7002", sourceType="python")
# or open some random MEL port (make sure you change it to this port in your config file)
cmds.commandPort(name=":10000", sourceType="mel")